Les Mikesell

You must have gotten a bad batch - although I think they are sized a bit large from the start. And as for staining - just get the black ones.

You must have gotten a bad batch - although I think they are sized a bit large from the start. And as for staining

As a side effect, you establish your worth to the company, though.

Yes, these are the best. I think they have more reviews than any other item on Amazon - not something you expect for men's underwear. I usually don't think of nylon as a comfortable fabric but these have a microfiber fine enough to wick moisture and a little waffle crimp that lets it stretch and give just the right

Yes, these are the best. I think they have more reviews than any other item on Amazon - not something you expect for

Depending on the impact of the situation, that can be approximately the same as saying “I’m not competent enough to fix this quickly”.

It’s also how your position gets eliminated at the next downsizing.

So it’s fine to stay out of touch if it turns out that you aren’t actually important. But I always thought it was a bad idea to let the people at work find out that they can get along without me.

Removing _all_ of your natural skin oils frequently is a bad thing - they are there for a purpose. You should think of washing as something like an oil change. Same for shampoo.

You should do one of these articles on the worst/most expensive parking situation near the airports. I’d guess Chicago/O’hare is near the top.

Can’t get nonstop flights from any distance to Burbank.... John Wayne is nice but often more expensive.

There’s also the new runways which are sort of like taxiing to the other side of town before taking off.

I think you have the secret. O’hare is a hub and the if you take the first flight out in the morning there’s a pretty good chance that the plane is going to already be there. If it isn’t, be prepared to wait...

So internet troll becomes copyright/license troll in real life?

I feel naked without a phone - and I want my family to be able to reach me anytime.

I feel naked without a phone - and I want my family to be able to reach me anytime.

Who goes anywhere without their phone?

Who goes anywhere without their phone?

I usually take it when someone makes the 'united front' pitch that they said something impulsively and now wants to guilt their spouse into backing them up. But I've always thought that the best you could hope for is that when kids grow up they'll act the way they've seen you act - even if that wasn't what you

But the "united front" approach doesn't prepare kids at all for the real world where people do in fact think differently and sometimes the right thing is to stay away from some of them. Nor is it a great idea to go along with something just because your spouse thought it was a good idea without discussing it first.

Better yet, go to brew-pub instead and have the beer sampler. You'll enjoy it more and save money too.

They'll wrap it in foil shaped like a swan for you - and you can pretend it is for your dog at home.

You call things that taste like dirt "earthy". And oddly, there are people who like that.

You know you can get food at a grocery store if you don't like paying for the service of having someone bringing food to your table...