Les Mikesell

If it's so easy just put the damn right amount on the bill for me and total it like you do for parties of 6 or more. Or don't complain if it doesn't get done right.

How about a fleet of vans on call to bring you a battery swap or quick-charge regardless of where you are?

Are there restaurants in St. Louis outside of that big train station place?

Sounds like a horrible idea. I keep cars for 10+ years. Can you even imagine trying to use a 10 year old Apple product or how long before that they would have abandoned the updates for it?

Do any of these let you adjust the height of the screen? I replaced an old CRT monitor with an imac and it sits way to high now - with no way to adjust it.

No that's just what a soybean diet does to you.

So are all of the Sony engineers competent enough to make a DLNA player work gone for good now - or did they mange it this time?

Not being able to provide a DLNA player on what should be a perfect platform says a lot about Sony's lack of competence these days.

Ummm, great. Learn that work is punishment, not something rewarding in its own right or that should give meaning to your life.

There is an age range probably somewhere between 2-5 (but hopefully not the whole span) where kids can talk and you think they understand some things, but they really don't yet. And yelling at them or hitting them isn't going to change that. No matter what you do, thinking you teaching them something is not going

So, you're still young-ish and this stuff is easy? What happens when you start gaining a pound or two a year which doesn't seem like much until you get old?

No - it's not that complicated. Just roll up your jacket as a pillow and sleep till the plane lands. There's nothing going to happen that is worth staying awake for.

So, someone actually goes to Cracker Barrel for steaks?

Because it's ummm, normal... to not hate everyone of the opposite sex?

Being a psychotic sociopath isn't exactly a new thing. Why publish their thoughts, though?

Oh yeah, like the 1920's were just a bundle of joy...

Even better, put the teabag in a cup of water, put in the microwave and push the 'beverage' button.

Even better, put the teabag in a cup of water, put in the microwave and push the 'beverage' button.

I really wish restaurants would just pay their staff and charge the right amount in the first place so no one had to play these games.

Yeah, I'm way out of date. The last Chevy I had was in the late 80's. I just gave up on them when it started rusting at about 3 years old and parts were failing at 30k miles. And when the subsequent Toyotas and Hondas were very reliable I never saw a reason to look back. Maybe someday...

I thought the point was supposed to be: "it's complicated".