
Black Twitter

for real, though. fuck this dude. He’s an absolute piece of shit. ignores his kid, coke head, bangs high school chicks, hooker addict. aint nothing good about him.

didn’t the NFL try for this and the official’s union fought it? Then we had replacement refs (making the same mistakes these guys are making mind you).

NFL officials don’t work in varying leagues

In either case, the blown call was yet another example of the NFL rulebook being a tower of kludges upon kludges unparsable by the human brain, or of officials who improperly or inadequately trained and prepared, or, most likely, both.

this is a good post for you given that no one you’re related to wants to spend it with you.

Obviously, I want to be friends with this guy, but I don’t want to be desperate in my attempts.

agreed that they’re smarter than you

thankfully you guys wouldn’t ever promote something like that...

says the person commenting on the internet

Not only are you wrong, but you’re also a dick-swinging asshole. Congrats on winning all the internet awards douche.

Yup... this doesn’t have “faking it for viral fame” written on it at all. How often do we have to fall for this stuff?

oh look, Kevin Draper finally got something right, and he’s gonna make sure you know about it. Something about broken clocks, blah, blah, blah...

TLDR - you’re a massive liar

Show this video to everyone, especially if they’re not an Adele fan.

Agreed you’re a liar

I quite literally stopped reading at this line:

this site’s continued hypocrisy is just astounding

nah. Just the ones that make shit up later in life so they can pat themselves on the back :)

I’m sure you feel like you did your part today. Take a screen grab and put it on your FB page for likes now.