
My mom always told me, “beware a convert.” They’re always incredibly fanatical because they believe they’ve rationally chosen the thing that you’ve always just had or believed. Except in this case, the thing she thinks she knows more about is OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTUAL LIVED IDENTITIES!!!! It’s so gallingly bonkers I don’t

Damn, Ijeoma Oluo is no joke. Her interview was a damn good read. She got at the crux of the problem with this crazy bitch. Rachel is a BETTER Black woman than you. She knows MORE about Blackness than you, a Black woman, could possibly know. Because she read some books and CHOSE Blackness, see, and you were just born

Jefferson Bureaugard Sessions III is worse than Betsy DeVos.

Whenever anyone says “I could have anyone I wanted” you know they are delusional and you should very very quickly run very far away.

Benedict Beckeld, the Brooklyn writer in his late 30s

Wow. Hitler is really seeing a rise in popularity during passover.

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.

Even public figures who own up to their own mistakes feel traumatized by the attention it gets. Many go away to deal. How’s that stupid?

No, a small bit of criticism is when your friends or co workers politely tell you that you fucked up or could have done something better. Having a twitterstorm rage at you, thats literally thousands of people unloading a bunch of verbal garbage over your head. In terms of scale of criticism, its hard to make it

Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.

“I did it for the economy. We needed a change.”

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

Also, does he not have any aides that are women? (Probably not) How on earth would they be able to do their job if they could never grab lunch with him in the cafeteria and talk over things?

My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.

Well comey can eat shit and die.

Almost 40% of Americans don’t accept evolution

I want that Candy Apples lady back solely for her daughter. I’d watch a show that was just her deadpanning responses to her overly-chirpy mother.

Why wouldnt anyone stop him from doing this? Surely someone in there knows how and what nato is.

I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.