
Interestingly, as I played this, I talked to my husband how this also is representative of how white women are forgiven and made excuses for and how that becomes a shield for their own abusive behavior. Even through her doubt Faith did some pretty fucked up shit, but clearly the writers knew we would feel sympathy for

I’m really getting the idea that the Overwatch team was not ready to deal with...well...gamers. A lot of bile is slipping through and a lot of it, like stuff at the events themselves, could have been shut down with some foresight.

Look, even if Heard and Depp have moved on society has a vested interest to see that abusers and dangerous people are not rewarded and allowed around other vulnerable people. So yes - okay - it is their personal business, but we (all of us) have a responsibility now that we know about it.

Ugh wait...isn’t our military crippled and needs millions of dollars? But we’re better than a factor of five?

I used to just email people my Modcloth wishlist for birthdays, but I’m out. I don’t care how sad it makes Gregg. You don’t get to completely abandon your mission and still get kudos for having good intentions.

I love how he (singular) fucked up their marriage but they (plural) had to work hard on it.

Aw thank you! He’s pretty much the best.

Okay so this one has a little different tone but...

That shot didn’t actually bother me. There was something interesting about the ‘just going to work’ vibe. Like, she’s sexy, but the camera is focusing on what she’s doing, which she looks almost bored with.

I feel like I can beat this guy up. If I beat this guy up - and thus am stronger - do I get his salary?

Consent has to be constant. As soon as someone loses consciousness they can’t consent. Why is this hard?!

But maybe like...less sexist this time?

Don’t pretend you’re better than watching this.

He’s in the center right of that big group photo.

May I ever feel anything as strong as Lin-Manuel feels everything.

Fuck baby showers. Seriously. I love that this is listed as a horrible thing that might happen to a woman.

Cousin Work It.

Sometimes I think conservatives are a little jealous of progressives - of the high they think it brings and the eventual historical justification. They want to feel righteous and are a little aware that they can’t. So they do this lazy half way thing where they fight for things that benefit no one and whom no one is

Well I guess it’s good to know that there IS an uncrossable line.