
I feel the same way about the Commander. He’s part of the conservative establishment. He should be jowly.

Agreed— why is Serena Joy in this movie too young? I envisioned her as an older woman in her 50s or older and she’s resentful and jealous of Offred due to her age, child-bearing abilities and her duty to have sex with Serena’s husband.

By Grabthar’s hammer, what a shithead.

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

Her brother left the movement and offered to take her and the kids in. It may be an imperfect situation but I’d think better than exposing your kids to a molester.

I feel sorry for the wife. You have to have been pretty heavy indoctrinated to get into a relationship like this in the first place. She has probably had a pretty sheltered life.

Why is he still allowed to be around children? His or any?

This is the best. Congrats on the keeper.

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

This admin never wanted to “govern.” They just wanted to spout hot air and now that they have the keys, they are flipping their shit because they want to continue to spout hot air and now they are going to be held accountable for the hot air.

Ugh, same. I have been on a hunt for a dress to wear to my brother’s wedding in August and Modcloth is always on my list of sites to prowl for exactly this sort of thing. Cannot/will not support Walmart though. Man, what a bummer.

Same. My long standing relationship with Modcloth is officially over.

When I think about the quality of people I‘ve met at Jet and their ambitions and how it aligns with ours,” Kaness began. “And when when I think about their parent company Walmart, who has the resources—but also has when you’ve spent time researching it and understanding it, they’ve spent a lot of time working on corp

I guess I had one of those. I like to call it my practice marriage.

It’s that time of the year again where I’m getting a taste of the summer months to come. More specifically, this

We know Trump palled around with the clintons back in the day, is it possible he tried to get in good with Obama and the prez just wasn’t into him? It just feels like he’s responding like he’s been scorned

Thanks for the “Dick” movie reference. Haven’t seen it in a while! Off to see if it’s streaming.

Trump can’t buy the education, class, grace, and adoration Obama has.

I doubt she’s a size 4. I had gastric bypass surgery and was smaller than her at my starting weight and I’m an 8. Unless she’s like, super short and tiny? I’m 5'10" so I kind of stopped around a size 8.

I mean, she looks great, but it’s flat-out bizarre that somebody who intentionally enabled child abuse gets to have a reality show about how hot (or not) she is.