
That was my first reaction too, but apparently they’re all 28-33. Hollywood is so weird and has broken our brains.

none of their ages.....make..........sense

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Christmas elf banned from the North Pole for his virulent racism

Yeah. I guess that only applies to targets of investigations who have penises.

Oh, Comey can’t comment on an open investigation?

In high school Mock Trial competition, this broad and crazy assumption being put out there by Trump would be considered an “unfair extrapolation”, a no-no and a penalty, because things in general like trials and government can’t proceed along fairly or correctly if someone just makes stuff up to their advantage, and,

Even though he blames Obama, these allegations Trump is making also suggest that the FBI acted illegally as well.

I hope that his first thought waking up and has last thought at night are the same: “I helped create this monster.” I hope he realizes just how much he helped fuck this country, and I hope that whatever payoff he got for it will never be enough.

He seem to have pulled out the big gun - Obama, wire tapping, illegal, etc. - just as another one of his appointees gets busted for lying about dealing with the Russians.

I’ll still argue that a drunk person can give consent. But at any point where a person loses consciousness, consent is instantly revoked. I don’t care if they are sober and fell asleep, Narcoleptic or so drunk they pass out, once unconscious, consent stops.

There’s a big ass gray area between sober and too drunk to

This means that dementia patients in nursing homes can consent too, right?!?

Ah, the hypocrisy is thick. Remember when he went after the Khan family and accused HRC of using them as a political prop? Fun times, man. Fun times.

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

The truly ironic thing is that it was theirs. Thats why the Dems thought that they would compromise on it, but the Repubs are not a party of conviction, they’re just anti-Dem.

Ex cop here.

For the same reason George Z. They want to fight but don’t want to lose the fight and they will prevent it by any means necessary.

Probably because he fell backward over a shrub, it embarrassed the hell out of him, so he had to re-establish is Alpha male position - which meant firing while surrounded by kids.

500 days of Lennu! Make it happen.