During her weekly press conference at Capitol Hill on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi said aloud what everyone’s been…
During her weekly press conference at Capitol Hill on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi said aloud what everyone’s been…
This whole shoot is just so very...extra? I’d expect nothing less of Beyoncé, of course, and she should do what she likes. But it all just seems so strange—how very odd to be her and live that kind of life and to do weird things like this photoshoot.
They did Nazi that coming.
Shocker this isn’t getting more coverage. Even here. Fuck
“We took some unprecedented actions today due to the unprecedented obstruction on the part of our colleagues,” Sen. Hatch said in a statement. What does unprecedented mean again?
Paul Ryan is such a spineless weasel. I can’t believe that people like him and Mitch McConnell are supposed to be keeping Donald in check.
If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...
I’d love to see the ACLU jump right in the middle of this.
Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some…
And this is why Rudy Nosferatu Giuliani is a failed politician and probably couldn’t even be elected dog catcher. Thanks for your irrelevant opinion, Nosferatu.
i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.
As a queer, I want to say that I fucking love our goddamn community.
I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.
Wait wait wait...is he saying that he also grabs his daughter this way?
Oh so he pervs on everyone! In that case it’s totally ok!
Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.
Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.
Debunked in the sense of “not debunked, and now receiving multiple 3rd party support from various global intelligence agencies”?
Jeb Bush - Master of the Long Game