
We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.

It would be a meeting with genuinely smart folks you can’t bullshit. He’d know that they knew he was stupid.

Slightly off-topic: IS anybody other than me finding it a little creepy that his daughter Ivanka, seems to be preparing to fulfill the FLOTUS role? It seems that Melania has little or no interest in being FLOTUS. In fact, her attitude this entire time has been more along the lines of “I did not sign up for this.”

This is that “self-radicalization” conservatives and the government is always talking about, right?

I wonder if he’ll see the irony now that his tinfoil bros will turn their backs on him and call him a “crisis actor.” Will they harass his family like they harass Sandy Hook’s families? You are not the hero you wanted to be bruh :( *womp womp*

False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.

Yup. This is pretty clearly the behaviour of an abuser who’s pissed that his victim got away. “Emma” and “Isabella” my ass.

Fuck this Loeb guy all to hell. I usually hate the term “gold-digger,” but he is a woman-hating, misogynist, bullying gold-digger. You know ultimately he is doing this for money, but it’s also to get his rocks off - she left him, but he’s never going to allow her to expunge him from her life. He wants to be a looming

I’m guessing there really isn’t a lot to disclose. It’s just a bunch of people looking at each other and asking “what the fuck are we doing? Someone put a mirror under Carson’s nose.”

He flew too close to the batshit sun.

It reminds me a lot of the Satanic Panic that swept America in the late 80's well into the 90's.

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

You know....I don’t think I love this. Who is this aimed toward — teachers? Do we think teachers don’t try to intervene with troubled kids? Students? There were students interacting with this kid, and anyway, asking students to police the behavior of “creepy loner weirdos” is how you get bullying. (And I mean, say you

You still need a reason to ban something beyond “most of the people who use them live in bad places.” If women are forced to don niqab, that is already illegal, and would be much easier to prosecute/address if Muslims weren’t totally alienated from European governments that spend all their time spewing hate at them.

I see at least one or two women in burquas or niqabs every day, in Philadelphia. We’re not an Islamic republic by any stretch of the imagination.

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

I’d say there are two objectives: first to make choosing abortion prohibitively expensive and second to breach doctor-patient confidentiality since a record of every abortion will automatically be created for the State on top of the private one the doctor has and it will be attributed to the woman.

Are you saying that you don’t think a 7 year-old is able to put together sentences like “I didn’t sleep since yesterday. I am hungry. I don’t want to die.”

If it was some western mother sending tweets from her child’s perspective about waiting for Santa Clause or something else banal no one would bat an eye, but because people don’t want to comprehend the suffering this child is going through they’ll try and find any reason to dismiss the source.

McDonald’s is Eugenics? Public school are eugenics? Words do not have a meaning anymore, I’d like fish in my coffee, hat!