
honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

My response is a visceral DO NOT WANT.



And...he’s still your fiance?

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.

Obama actually gives a shit about people and the country, though. I think he’d feel like he was letting his ethical standards lapse for petty reasons.

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.

He is going to bring the country together. As soon as his followers realize he can’t lock her up, we’re going to be the United States of Fuck Donald Trump.

My best friends have posited a theory. When you get elected president, one of the first things that happens is you get a visit from “Charlie,” this deep undercover operative who has ALL the horrible news about what’s really going on. “Charlie” takes the POTUS-elect into a little room and tells POTUS all the horrible

Like, you dont know whether to be satisfied or horrified...

I fail to see why term limits for congressmen are any better or worse than term limits for POTUS. I mean the only reason to have either is to prevent repeated election. By the same token I don’t see how some form of limit would be any more detrimental for congress than it is for POTUS.

A true profile in courage.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and

It’s sad (ahem) and fascinating. I have both undergrad and grad degrees in psychology/counseling, and during all studies I remember thinking that the classification of narcissist was sort of fabulist in itself...as in, surely no single person acts out in all these ways.

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .

“Little Katy”

My Ford is German-designed and made in Mexico.

I can hear the pundits now: