
Disconcerting, but really no surprise. I appreciate they’ve tried to offer solutions with recommendations on how to be mindful of news sources, but I think we’re pretty solidly divided now between those people who have no interest in heeding such advice, and those of us who are already as alert and discerning as we

“...a bit of horny texting.”

Except not necessarily. By accident is favored by those over 35 and not from the US. On accident is far more common with Americans and those under 35.

I followed Dooce and was part of her early community from the beginning as well. I adored her writing - still do, and missed her when she left. We are roughly the same age, and my kids are slightly older than hers. I found some of her parenting challenges relatable and never understood why people gave her such a hard

Blessings to her for putting those prying assholes in their place.

We pay nearly as much when we factor in healthcare, dental, vision costs. Then add on local and state, sales, gas, utility taxes. Follow up with a capital gains tax and a myriad of other taxes. I would much rather have one main tax with use taxes rather than broke by a thousand taxes.

Frodo and Gandalf’s ship finally come into port at King’s Landing and G makes quick work of Cersei and F sits on the throne. 

The last time I bought a car from a dealer, my wife’s Odyssey, we had the car picked out, secured our own financing, and had the price negotiated. It still took four hours at the dealer, with two small children in tow. It doesn’t matter how friendly and accommodating they were, it was still miserable.

It’s funny too, because the end goal doesn’t seem that crazy when it comes to the dealer experience.

Or more accurately, an abomination unto God and man for those people He chose for reasons known only to Him to make it taste like dish soap, and a wondrous mitzvah to those of us he blessed. 

They still probably won’t bother to impeach Trump.

I was fortunate enough to be shown through the actions of my father and his friends how to treat a woman. I’ve been around women all my life and I love listening to stories and advice from older women. In my line of work (IT) there were alot of women who held director, VP titles. And as a man, we’re always taught

Every time I see one of these, I think of the woman in Texas who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for voting when she didn’t realize she was not allowed to.

No prison?  I agree.  Take him out back and put a bullet in his head. Sick fuck. 

Exactly. Out with it, already. Hold your own damn press conference, release your own summary of the report in clear and simple terms, and reach a goddamned conclusion that doesn’t tiptoe around things.

It can be challenging to discharge that duty when the Attorney General of the United States is, indeed, an enemy to the people of the United States.

because sex work automatically means you have problems?! no. the only ones here with problems are those who have clearly been repressed enough to think this was ever a big deal in the first place. its sex, big flipping deal! half the kids in high school are already doing it! if a guy wants to go fuck any number of

Someone has a little... hang-up about the sex it seems.

The kids all know — or think they know — about this already, thanks to social media apps their parents may not even know anything about and definitely don’t have full access to.

The student newspaper can actually take this from whispering in the social media virtual hallway and talk about what’s actually happening and

fuck trailer made me cry, definitely watching it