
I would say Rosenberg destroyed his own career and marriage by acting like he did. And if there were no penalties for mistreatment of women in the workplace, why would people stop mistreating women in the workplace?

Yes there is: 

I had to look it up, but catacomb’s second definition (after human subterranean cemetery) is: an underground construction resembling catacombs

Rough edges can be smoothed. Issues can be treated or softened. I’m seconding the comment above about not rejecting mutts! I believe every dog in “the system” has been traumatized by it, to some extent. You don’t know the circumstances of how they came to be at a shelter, and living in cages for any amount of time is

what a cutie!

I think SkimmityRide is saying to not ignore the information contained in Object Not_A

This is not how evolution works.

This is exactly the experience I had with our PTA.  It was completely clique-ish; I’m also an extrovert, I have no trouble striking up conversations with strangers.  The strangers did not want any part of me.  I also signed up to volunteer for things - haven’t been called/texted/contacted.

To the people that clean their houses (I agree completely) I add:  before you leave, change your sheets.  It is *amazing* to be back in your own bed with not-slept-in sheets.

Unstated option #3: Leave the negative review up, but edit it with the new (and relevant) information about social media detective work leading up to manager’s request to take down the negative review. Try and phrase this in neutral language. Not because you wish ill on the restaurant, but because part of your dining

I also got the idea that she was messing with him.

Another vote for the text version over the video version. Text is skimmable, and internet videos are of variable quality - it usually takes the maker of the video ages to get to the point. By that time, I could have skimmed the text and moved on. Don’t be condescending about that - it’s a reasonable position.  Thanks

same :)

I feel like leaving Trump in place is a better strategy (incurring less damage to things I care about) than indicting Trump and accepting Mike Pence. Pence is far more effective than Trump.

No. If the people want to stand, and not take advantage of the way the way to make the people mover move them more rapidly, that is their choice. (Also, don’t they want to make doing stairs more fun/less strenuous?) The suggestion that people stand in the left side so that more people can stand on the escalator is

Also, if you are willing to share, how did your kids react? I have a 5 year old, and it would be such a scary topic for the child to think about.

I’d say it’s still pretty egregious.

This makes me sad.  Don’t give up trying to get over the internalized crap!  Here’s one internet stranger rooting for you!

He is however, implicating women (only) in the having-of-children/overpopulating-the-world. it bothered me.

:)  I have very lovely memories of England as well.  I have a really mixed bag of emotions about living in England (I was there for 2 years).  I really think they manage their society better than we do.