
It’s not a stretch at all. It’s just completely wrong. It doesn’t compensate for optimum weapons/items or pathing to and from with spawn timing, it doesn’t seem to acknowledge strafing (especially circle-strafing), and it sucks with projectile weapons. Optimal with chaingun, chaingun, and chaingun. Golf clap to its

Yeah, I am pretty underwhelmed by the video. Pretty sure a pro gamer would smoke this AI.

TOTALLY USELESS and ignorant

The malware is sending a Morse code type message through the sounds of the HDD. It’s not detecting the actual data being written. Hence the low bandwidth. TOTALLY USELESS and ignorant comment about the article.

Oh my Lord, it’s humor. I bet you’re fun at parties.

Why not lay it all out on the table? It’s Senior Week!

Zhang’s brown turbo diesel manual wagon will be the title of their first sex tape.

Sorry, but that in the photo is not a QR code. Not all 2D codes are created equal, you know?

Top men are looking into this. Top men.

The professor would have easily had one of these made with a few coconuts, vines, tree limbs, a couple idiots, and two hot women.

This happens more than most would like to admit. However many, many survive this ordeal, and once finished with the BAR call themselves lawyers.

I fart, A LOT. Pretty sure my pants will need a hosing out more frequently than most.

You know, I had read many times over the years how wonderful mochi was and how if I ever got the opportunity to try it I should jump on it and I would never regret it.


I mean singular maybe, but plural?

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

I dunno if it’s changed, but GO has historically been riddled with spyware.

I hear that dung beetles have a unique nutty flavor. Go forth and expand that palette.

You forgot the myth that coffee tastes good. I debunked that one years ago by trying it. I wish I liked coffee, but I just can’t. It’s a shame as I love coffee houses and the smell of coffee, but the taste is just terrible.