
It’s not a stretch at all. It’s just completely wrong. It doesn’t compensate for optimum weapons/items or pathing to and from with spawn timing, it doesn’t seem to acknowledge strafing (especially circle-strafing), and it sucks with projectile weapons. Optimal with chaingun, chaingun, and chaingun. Golf clap to its

Yeah, I am pretty underwhelmed by the video. Pretty sure a pro gamer would smoke this AI.

Zhang’s brown turbo diesel manual wagon will be the title of their first sex tape.

I fart, A LOT. Pretty sure my pants will need a hosing out more frequently than most.

I hear that dung beetles have a unique nutty flavor. Go forth and expand that palette.

You forgot the myth that coffee tastes good. I debunked that one years ago by trying it. I wish I liked coffee, but I just can’t. It’s a shame as I love coffee houses and the smell of coffee, but the taste is just terrible.

I wanted to see this for each car not a colored heatmap :(

You are joking right?

Probably a higher percentage than those who know what DOS is...

I wonder what percentage of commenters will even know what a “compaq” is.

Nothing you are saying has anything to do w/ GMOs. Labels should not be applied without scientific meaning. Should we label organic crops that say “sprayed with toxic heavy metals that occur naturally in our environment”?

Ah, I came here waiting for the anti-science nuts to start throwing the word toxins around. Glad to see I won’t be leaving disappointed; got a 3-fer in a single sentence along with some “think of the kids!” logic.

Just to tack on to Torch’s PSA, Item pictured is NOT, (I repeat, NOT) C4 or another form of explosive

There are no GMO strawberries. There is next to no chance you ever ate a GMO tomato as it was on the market for about 3 season, had little uptake and was used mostly for bulk product (tomato and pizza sauce). Unless you eat papaya or summer squash you most likely never even directly consumed a GMO fruit, vegetable or

Really well done article. As someone with a degree in Entomology, and a background in GMO/Pest Control, it really bothers me when I see people go off the rails, with little to no understanding of the topic. It astonishes me how ill-informed people are, yet still insist on opening their mouths.

When I first saw these, I was really intrigued. And I was in the market for a new set of monitors too, so I actually considered one. However, I think there are some personal preference things that might make me weird:

I consider concert ticket stubs and my old of sentimental value. My answer? Digitize. Take scan of the tix, take pics of the shirts and create albums.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

This just in: Software development is something only those who do it understand, but everyone that uses it loves to criticize.