
Having read a decent number of programming books at this point, I'd say they generally fall into two categories:


Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.

Build this into a beer koozie and take pictures at the next company picnic / tailgating party / pool!

Well, that's one way to tailgate

This is absolutely disgusting.

I wanted to develop couple of apps to see how much data I can steal from my own phone to test the capabilities of specific permissions. Is there already an app like that? Like access to shared files, does it actually really access to all my dropbox files too? Why would a game need access to my shared files? I just

The infographic was saved as a jpeg when it should have been png...


We don't.

"It truly makes me wonder how any person with dark skin can live in this country and trust that the systems and institutions that make it so great will work for them."

I once had an elderly woman driving towards me on the wrong side the road with her wipers on and it wasn't raining. But yeah, she was driving slow.

Actually there is a company that makes a plastic double din car stereo enclosure that you can mount a 7" lilliput screen and a raft of raspberry pi's inside to make this a lot easier. The hard part is the smooth startup and shutdown of the Pi when you start and shut off the car. I really wish the Pi had the sleep

Or, I could skip the baking soda, put some Alfredo sauce in a small pot on another burner, and have a really good meal!


Because it's $8 and I'm not a freshman in college anymore.

Because it's $8 and I'm not a freshman in college anymore.

"Take a picture of sentimental things, then let them go." This is what I do. I've never looked at any of the photos but it just makes me feel better even though it's an effort to do. I always thought I was the only one/weird for doing it since I decided to do it myself and have never brought it up in conversation.