

BTW the British stole/copied tea time from India (during their tyranny).

I call bullshit. While I’m sure what was stated is true of how a dishwasher works. I’ve never seen a dishwasher clean my dishes 100% without scraping crap off. Even if I rinse, any stuck on shit has got to be scraped off. Also If I don’t pre-rinse, more shit dries and that won’t come off either. Unless this applied to

That’s how one grows mold, I’ve seen this too many times.

I feel the same way about software. As soon I get a phone, it’s wiped and rooted with a new custom ROM. I refuse to buy a phone that can’t do that. (I’m looking at you SONY)

When I saw the animated gif, I’m like OK it’s got a hydrophobic coating that’s normal....How does this defy physics? I click only to find the hydrophobic coating is the one being implied to defy physics, lame.

except give you cancer

I’m glad it works like other currency where the rich and powerful get more rich and powerful with their riches and powers.

Dumbass could have sodium/potassium on him.

My personal policy is that any money I find, on the ground or something, I give to charity. Preferably to a charity related to where the money was found

He added: “We are currently working on an new interface which will be compatible with modern laptops as they old Compaqs are getting less and less reliable and harder to find.”

Journalism? This is a blog.

This comment made my day, LOL!

WTF is “bae”? I’m serious, it it short for baby?

What do you mean by cleaned up your diet? corn to non-GMO corn? or corn to organically grown corn? like going from corn to wheat?

Skip the first 2mins, he’s just plugging how awesome it is instead of just getting started. Also only mentioning all of the positive testimonials and none of the negative ones.

Were the google maps reflecting the damage? If not, then you even less reason to trust google maps, since they won’t look anything alike.

Does the sound work after getting wet, I’ve heard of other phone having this problem of water getting into the speakers and causing permanent damage.