Lenny Valentin

PCIe 4.0 m.2 maxes out at theoretical 8GB/s, 7 realistically achievable, so well above PS5 internal drive raw specs before considering compression. By the way, I seem to recall there’s already a drive or two announced with raw specs faster than PS5 drive, so they’ll be there. It’s just been a little slow on this front

I don’t know of anyone using UE in an open world type game, there might be some, but it’s probably not the main focus of the engine. UE games do feature some rather large maps though, and this demo showcases that towards the end. So I don’t see the problem here, where is it?

I’m not wrong, you are wrong. User-added M.2 drives in PS5 have to exceed the performance of the built-in drive, precisely because they don’t have the kind of acceleration features the internal drive does. So you’ve got it backwards, just go and watch Cerny’s talk on the subject.

Maybe it does matter, if the demo relies on PS5's storage system’s superior capabilities... :P

The PS5 SSD is not comparable to regular NVME SSDs, it has a lot of hardware acceleration features, including hardware decompression of data and more. Go watch Mark Cerny’s PS5 presentation from a couple months ago for a better description of the system’s capabilities.

Saying demos are NEVER representative is overstating it, arguably last year’s Metro Exodus looks way better than the now quite ancient Agni’s Prophecy demo.

It’s a real game, as in it is fully playable according to the news post, but it’s not a real game as it’s not a title in development, but rather only a short demo with a few minutes of gameplay’s worth in it.

Maybe you’re joking, but this is a fully realtime demo, as mentioned. There’s no need for any “buying time” or anything like that. As we see in the demo, this demo does closed spaces and wide open spaces and anything inbetween with equal proficiency.

It’ll be either a car...or bees. I’m not sure which! :)

He looks burnt out/in need of a vacation I’d say. But I don’t know the guy, so everyone should probably just ignore! :P

Well he IS south african, grew up under apartheid, sociopath, narcissist and white, so chances are he’s said some suspect shit at some point. :P

They need to give him a tweeter spokesperson though. Take away his ability to twit in the name of the company and say shit like they totally ran out of money, like he did april 1st a couple years ago. Or that the stock is overvalued. How he’s not under investigation for that one already I don’t know.

Problem is AFAIK he’s the majority stock owner - or at least the largest, quite possibly by far. So forcing him out is from what I understand basically impossible, and even if he was to be removed somehow from any official capacity at the company he still has all of his shares’ voting power and could continue to

Rehab? He needs to check into a mental health institution... :P

The guy’s been slowly cracking up for years now and it’s just getting worse and worse. His egomania has caught fire and his brain is melting from the heat.

Define “overly complex”.

What exactly in here would need much servicing at all though? DC pumps can work for years or even decades, valves are equally simple mechanically.

Just tip his body into a toxic waste incinerator, it’s then over and done with.

I don’t feel the least bit bad about wanting to see that hateful sack of shit dead, honestly. Donnie Dumpy is a quantifiably evil person, it’s not wrong at all to wish such people dead. He’s evil in that pointless, small-mindedly petty and vindictive way you thought only shallow, badly written movie villains are, but

lol That motherfucker is one thirsty ass troll! How long’s it been doing this now, it’s gotta be a couple years at least. Multiple burners? I haven’t bothered trying to check how far its posting history goes, but I assume it gets banned periodically.