Lenny Valentin

Another smoking gun of the petty incompetence and general level of uncaring about the health and wellbeing of Mericans shown by Donnie Dump and the rest of his regime. Amount of fucks over this given by Repuggers though? Zero. “Fake news!”, they’ll say. “The guy had it coming!”

Esports is held back by the fact games are proprietary and owned by a corporation, other games come out and push the old games out into obscurity, and people tire of them and go do something else. In the real world, people have been running up and down a football pitch for over a century now and the sport is still

Right. Your arm getting mangled or severed from ending up under the vehicle as it slides on its side is just part of the experience of driving a magnificient vehicle with a catastrophically high center of gravity!

Nothing ageist about it. My dad’s 81, I have had recurring dreams where I’m riding along in his car and he drives way too fast and erratically and crashes us.

Ugh, that news link is...dismaying. :(

They had to follow up the Xbone with something... :P

Yes, this was what I was getting at. :)

I wasn’t salty, I was supporting the actor getting paid, dammit. It’s not my fault your reading comprehension is by all appearances sub-par.

He’s going to say that everything was going so great, no problems whatsoever until this corona thing, that nobody could have foreseen a pandemic coming, that the recession isn’t his fault, in fact it was China’s fault and Obama’s fault (because reason), even though he himself dismantled the U.S. pandemic response team

It was a humorous remark. Chill out, dude.

More credibly accused? lol Ivan, you gotta try harder than that! How’s the weather in St. Petersburg this time of year btw? ;)

Yeah, because those are working trips. Unlike when Obummer went golfing!

This ban represents roughly 44% of this kid’s total current lifespan.

I never played Tony Hawk anything on any platform, but that’s some pretty darn nifty 2D animations there... Wicked! :D Totally appeals to the retro nerd in me.

Yeah, making decisions 100% opposite to advice from medical expertise purely to suck up to an orange asshole, just like curiously looking end-on into a loaded shotgun - what could possibly go wrong?

“Hey, don’t joke about this! Somewhere there’s probably a guy being given a dollar he did not deserve! That dollar could have been much better spent buying more aircraft carriers to defend Merica!”

You know, at this point I wouldn’t really mind a firestorm of an economic crash on the level of the Great Depression scouring the raping-and-pillaging monstrosity that is late-stage capitalism off this Earth, and see the GOP abandoning Dumpy - but I just don’t think it’s going to happen.

You’re also flying completely blind without a solid, well-oiled, smoothly running testing machine backing you up. South Koreans prevailed through massive testing, Kemp botching it even at a much lower percentage of people tested is truly dangerous, not just for the people he is supposedly sworn to help keep safe, but


In my country, self defense doesn’t work if you yourself provoke the confrontation. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more brazen case of provocation than this, parking a truck right in the middle of the street while brandishing guns. This was a south american Death Squad type confrontation, no two ways about it. The