
I know, couldn’t those radio play writers had made things easier for us, by appropriately dropping clues through the story so we could solve along at home, and get the answer as the story reveals it in the very special, two-hour live finale.

well maybe that raison d’etre is a fucked up raison and courts should actually enforce title VII instead of worrying about upsetting the status quo...and boobs

I am confused tho. The kilt IS hanging straight down and her legs look tiny in that picture.

“Because it’s a kilt, it has to be straight down,” he said, according to Smith. “It can’t flare out around your hips. It has to hang straight.”

You’re a mother, probably.

There’s a category called “babes in arms,” which allows infants to fly free if they’re on their parents’ laps. I believe the maximum age for it is 2, though, and in practice I’ve only seen people do it with children who look like they’re under the age of 1.

No, she’s right. I was being absolutely serious.

I didn’t say they couldn’t have toys and a water bottle in the crate, Violet. I’m not a monster.

And you seem to have a great grasp of sarcasm. Congrats.

I think the kid should be in a pressurized crate in the cargo hold, personally.

Because the whole reason I allow her to fly in such a position is to make you happy, you pricks.

I don’t know. Larry Flynt was depicting women in meat grinders and ran a regular “Chester the Molester” cartoon in the 70s and to this day any woman who’s ever expressed a problem with that has been told to lighten up and bow to the great champion of free speech. Same shit, different day.

Can a Torontonian with some time and knowledge fill in a few readers on why this is especially heinous, now and in this city, in terms of rape culture? The ongoing trial of Jian Ghomeshi for assaulting women across Toronto? Maybe a list of missing and murdered aboriginal women that’s being ignored by the government?

Of course that fucker brags about raping women.

Why is it to you highly insecure males that anytime it’s pointed out that “Hey, if you feature this person in your lineup, you’re going to look really bad and no one’s going to want to buy tickets to your show because they’re a violence promoting asshole”, you all scream “OMG TEH CENSORSHIP!!!!!”.

Not every viewpoint deserves a platform. The slippery slope brought on by hate speech against women is frankly a worse one than the alternative, and also a daily reality for women. Yeah, I have little to no trouble deciding which side of history to be on here.

The issue is that this is being hosted by the city, in a public space, at a festival funded partly by various levels of government.

The alternative is presumably the result the petition is aiming for, where the festival cancels his performance because they realise that the association with such a misogynistic PoS is going to be bad for them (financially, reputationally, etc.). Which wouldn’t, to be clear, be censorship.

Oh, my sweet summer child.

it’s called idontshop@forever21.com
