
Man I was trembling and out of breath from the sheer shock that a baby almost died and I had “saved” it. I felt like I deserved a parade. I wanted to be carried on everyone’s shoulders as they shouted my name. A statue even to commemorate this event. But no, all I really wanted was a thank you from a mom whose baby I

“Higher than in the general population” DOES NOT mean “all cops are sociopaths” or even “most cops are sociopaths.” I know many cops personally and they are kind, generous people who care deeply about the people that they serve. Each of them would be deeply affected by dealing with a case like this.

Mama June sucks, but she ain’t wrong.

I remember asking friends at work a thought experiment, just for funsies (we’re the type of workplace that likes thought experiments). “If you were and your dog were starving, would you eat your dog?” One guy actually lost his temper on us for this. He called us all sorts of names because we all mostly agreed that our

What the hell else is to be done with a brain damaged (almost) baby animal like this?

Americans are really schizophrenic about pets... Treating animals they eat like barbarians and asking for pets to be treated like children sometimes.It fascinates me.

Yes! Artists should be paid for their work, “exposure" is an exploitative scam. And Abramovic sure as shit doesn't need him for exposure, she's an internationally recognized artist.

Seriously, I know so many people here worship at the altar of the holy duo of Jay Z and Beyonce, but you have to admit Jay Z comes off pretty lousy here. If it’s true that he promised the artist to support her institute and then bailed on her, that makes him a creep.. Pop music such as Jay Z’s reaches more people

Female artist says in an interview she was taken advantage of and betrayed by a much more rich and powerful male artist. The Jezebel commentariat descends upon her, scolding her for not getting a contract and being naive. What’s that we usually say about blaming the person who has been taken advantage of? Hmm?

The hostility with which people are responding to this is ridiculous. Above someone’s giving her shit because she didn’t correct the interviewer for calling her a brand, and yet here we are calling it “the business” and acting like she ought to cart a lawyer around to make sure billionaire musicians don’t take

No, it does not. I’m not down with that “I’ll pay in exposure” bullshit that capitalism has managed to venerate. Absolutely fucking not. This is why I don’t fux with unpaid internships, especially since it’s become clear how much they don’t fucking count. I would never advise anyone to agree to such bullshit. Pay

Huh? Branding oneself has been crucial to succeed as an artist for at least a couple of centuries. By the end of his life, Dali was selling blank canvases with his iconic signature at the bottom for people to paint whatever the hell they wanted and sell at a markup. And you think artists in the old premodern European

Jezzies reaction to a man using a woman’s work for free- LOL, SHOULDA REALIZED YOU’D GET PLAYED.

To be fair, none of us were there and don’t know what the ins and outs of their arrangement was so we should all STFU when we assume that it was Abramovic being an idiot lady artist who didn’t get the contracts. Abramovic has a huge and really powerful agent in the art world so she’s not some dumb yokel. She’s shown

As an artist, this is the stupidest most frustrating bullshit ever to hear.

So many people subscribe to this idea and it just feeds the notion that you’re not a “real” artist if you can 1. Survive on your work, 2. Endeavor to get your work into the minds/senses of others.

Artists have always had brands, intentionally

Even if something is legally not actionable that doesn't mean you can't complain about someone being shitty to you and be justified.

Exactly! The blind Jay-Z & Beyonce adoration on this blog terrifies the hell out of me.

Abramovic is already an Art legend. The exposure she gets from Jay-Z is to an audience that wouldn’t be into her at all.

So reneging on verbal agreements is okay? You’re right that she’s naive for not getting it down on paper, but her complaint is still valid.

So your takeaway from this is that the person who was taken advantage of was asking for it and should just fuck off? I know the Jez commentariat thinks that Jay and Bey can do no wrong, but Jesus.