
He’s also making money hand over fist from Tidal subscriptions. But I’m sure he’s just bearing it all with a quiet and stoic dignity.

“if a married dude’s fucking around all over town and he’s gonna fuck this girl or another one tonight what purpose does it serve the person who’s being cheated on for one of the girls to say no if the other one says yes?”

Well, presumably Jay Z is cashing in on this album since it dropped on Tidal, so I’m sure he and Beyonce don’t mind the drama bomb all that much.

Based on the comments here, I think it’s safe to say that Beyoncé superfans are some of the coolest, chillest people on the Internet. Yup.

But the point is the adaptation has sucked a lot with GoT. The stuff that's straight from the show writers just isn't that good and doesn't make sense.

Sadly, I think students often protest some of the stupidest things imaginable. In my last year of undergrad, everyone was up in arms about the working conditions of the food service staff, until there was a rumour that the university admit was planning on taking over organization of the absolutely awfully managed

So many salty Bernie fans in the comments. Are you feeling the Bern?

Oh shut up. Real relationships are messy. Nobody would ever be blindsided by cheating if everyone preemptively dumped their partners at the first inkling of a suspicion, but in real life people have to weigh what they have invested in the relationship with what they may or may not know.

No wonder you Yanks have such a piss-poor education system.

Yeah, basically. We just shower with the door open. Hopefully, we’ll be out of here before any mold is able to move in because it doesn’t seem like our property management company is interested in investing in the building to modernize it.

Yeah, my one-bedroom 1500$-a-month apartment certainly doesn’t have a dishwasher. We don’t even have a ventilator in the kitchen and bathroom...

She’s clearly saying that putting money into individuals’ hands is better than paying it to banks and other corporations. She doesn’t say anything about social services here.

Aw, did you run out of arguments? Because now you’re just attacking my character, which is your prerogative but it comes across kind of sad.

“Are you only able to communicate in sarcasm? Are you 14?”

So you acknowledge that there is sexism in the music industry while also disagreeing with Gaga’s statement that there is sexism in the music industry? Logic!

Yes, because she just “made” it without any difficulty or effort on her part and she’s certainly not qualified to speak about the sexism in the music industry after working her way through it... Let’s ignore the fact that she has stated that she was raped by a producer as a budding artist. That’s certainly not sexism

Haha it was actually in China. I have no idea if they have that in Oklahoma and Nebraska.

I have seen green pea ice cream. Also corn ice cream.

Just bored I guess. If you don't want random people to read and comment on your stories, get a livejournal. The open thread is, well, open.

Yes, because nobody has ever laughed while feeling intensely uncomfortable in a social situation. I think everyone in this situation was an immature idiot, including OP. She needs to be more self-reflective, not claim that someone else’s douchiness exculpates her of any responsibility. Then again, I’m sure they were