
One day I hope someone writes a comment on a blog about sitting across from me on a train and refers to me as sooooooooo thinnnnnnnnnnn in an attempt to insult me.

We don’t know if they have axed Sansa’s “smart girl becomes player of the game” yet, though. The pieces are all in different positions, and the build up is different, but I’ll be amazed if she doesn’t come out of this kicking all sorts of arse, in time.

The amalgamation of storylines (or shuffling around of characters)

Perhaps - and like I say, if the only outcome of this is “poor, helpless Sansa is rescued by White Knight Theon” then, on reflection, I will agree. But I think we do need to give it a chance to see what happens next before we make a full judgement.

Why? Why can’t it be a motivator for both of them?

There is no correlation between gender equality and the percentage of women vs men in colleges. Women represent a (slight) majority of college/university students in the majority of the countries on this planet, both Western and non-Western, but it does not change the fact that women are still disadvantaged in all

“What’s so amusing from a male’s point of view is that women in the first world have - literally - the greatest life and opportunity that women have had ever in known human history.”

Just because you, a wealthy white woman, “saved all [your] little pennies” so you could quit the work force, it doesn’t mean that feminism has done its job and women are no longer oppressed and everything is hunky-dory. Your are, in fact, implying that if onky all the other laydeez did it like YOU did, they wouldn’t

Wait so you want us to be against the STORE CLERK in this situation? Who is probably making around minimum wage?? Yeah, it probably wasn’t the nicest thing to say out loud, but jeez, s/he probably meant it literally. It literally must be nice to have that life. It literally must be nice to be able to make that choice

Thank you, pinkie, for your repeated posts and for making this all about you rather than a remembrance of the feminist struggle. Buried here is a clue about why people react to you as they do. Buy it.

It was 1975 when the Supreme Court ruled that women could not be excluded from jury pools by requiring them to actively register for eligibility, while men were automatically included as potential jurers. That is, states ensured that few women would be available to serve on juries.

FFS. Someone else, choosing to do something else, advocating for the option to do something else is not “bitchy”. It’s also not a judgement on you; stop it. Not everything is positioned as commentary on your lifestyle.


I second this. From a purely small picture standpoint, I also feel uneasy on behalf of anyone who stays home homemaking, while their partner brings in the money. It is putting yourself in a pretty delicate financial position, no matter if yours is the strongest relationship in the world. And when I’ve raised these

Honey, you need to stop. You are seriously over your head in this discussion or you are a troll. You refuse to grasp what anyone is saying and keep repeating the same points. I’m guessing that you are insufferable and that contributes to the lack of empathy people have when they give you attitude.

You are REALLY missing the point, or you are just trolling. My mother’s generation did not have a choice. They stayed home because they weren’t taken seriously in the job market and actually could not do anything without the permission of their husbands, hold credit cards, get birth control, etc., etc.

Because the opposite, women who are vilified simply because they want to wok still exists too? Or have no interest in cooking or baking? Or don’t want kids? Because women still are expected to do most of the housework even if they work? Because women end up having to juggle kids, elderly parents and work and end up

No one enjoys being judged, so I understand why you would complain about that. What I don't understand is why people like you also seem to want to hear that what you do is a feminist act because you're doing it by choice and not just because you have to. It's cool that you get to do what you want but you can't get

Ah... yes. ‘Choice’ feminism. How cute!

“It’s just bitchy.”

You’re really not sure why, or you’re coyly “not sure why?” If it’s the former, consider re-reading the article.