
Divorce is a sin. Wives are just women.

“ The new person playing the “Vulvatron character” has been announced. “

Since there seems to be little motive behind her murder other than the fact that she was a feminist I’m eagerly awaiting the mra’s defense of how we should abandon any domestic concerns and focus on the third world’s oppressed women more since there is no misogyny and anti-feminism here. No none at all.

Amy Schumer is a gorgeous gal in her 20s and is a size six and you’re here comparing her to mid-40s, balding, beer-gutted Louis CK? Jesus CHRIST.

I truly have no idea what you are talking about that made you so bitter about this! I am currently a bride, and I have essentially lavished my bridesmaids in gifts and dinners thanking them-as other brides have done for me. I have absolutely asked for their help along the way in organizing and getting logistics down,

This is why I oppose dadbod as a thing. Because it’s such a blatant and pernicious manifestation of the intense double standard when it comes to what is considered acceptable for men and women.

If she’s been a shitty friend I don’t think I would have her in the bridal party at all. She can be a guest and be happy about it or else.

Oh yeah I’m forever seeing guys go on about how they’d be all over Lena Dunham’s junk. Sure.

Allow themselves?

It isn’t. And it won’t. We’ve been accepting schlubby men in sitcoms and in some instances even holding them up as sex symbols for years. The wife is always hot. She’s expected to be hot.

Dad Bod expectations:

Narration: Amanda Jones thought she had it all.

Is that what was decided after the intended narrative didn’t catch on? LOL nice try.

But is it satire? I don’t get the impression that the author is mocking people who hold the belief that people with certain body types should not be allowed to wear certain articles of clothing. Seems more like she honestly has these beliefs and she’s just trying to be snarky about it. Also, it’s just not very funny?

It’s not cheating if you think of it as Hot-or-Not in app form with better marketing and a UI so intuitive, a 2-yr old could do it.

i met my boyfriend (the dirty filmmaker!!!) on tinder and still have the app. my friends and i like to just swipe around and see what we see, usually more for laughing purposes than finding hot guys. i haven’t messaged with anyone now that i am in a relationship, but yes, technically i would be counted in the stats of

I’m married, on Tinder, and completely honest about it (my husband and I are monogamish). It may not be the norm, and it may still weird some people out, but it’s not all that uncommon anymore and there is absolutely nothing unethical about it. So, frankly, fuck you for being so goddam closed-minded, and fuck you for

Sucks to be those of us in rentals with no dishwasher. Wasting our money, time, water, self-respect, etc.

But Yoga Nerd MD, whyyyyy are we even talking about her? I can’t stand her! I don’t know why she’s famous! I read this whole article and I still hate her! Whyyyyyyyyy?

The Toronto Star is basically the last newspaper in North America that does full scale muckraking (and I use that term as a compliment). Although sometimes it means they cross the line and tip over into yellow journalism (looking at you, Rosie DiManno).