
Do you think they were trying to decide if they should be making the pizza as well as contacting the police?

I think, given the context of this story, this is the most important question.


And then tries to hunt me down afterwards? Psycho alert.

I agree! It’s costumey but tasteful, which... I can’t believe I’m saying that about Gaga, but now that I think on it a moment, her style has been evolving this way in general recently anyway. I mean, I could still see her dressing like this for brunch too, but I think it’s really good for this gala.

This is a hanfu (a.k.a. “Chinese kimono”). According to the results of a little Googling, Japanese kimonos have their roots in the Chinese ones! I had no idea of this ‘til just now.

fucking fabulous. as always!

Really? That just seems tasteless and out of place to me.

Believe it or not, it doesn’t actually have to be a competition. She looked beautiful, many other women also looked beautiful. The end.


I don't get the worship of her on this site. I mean, I respect her. I just don't get the crazy adoration.

kinda tired of this sheer dress with shiny bits covering the nips look. Feels thirsty to me.

Honestly, if this had been the last episode, I’d have been okay with it. Peggy is a badass. Joan has money and — kinda— love. Don is a hobo. Roger is Roger. We even had a nice moment between Betty and Don. What else is left?

But water over milk? To me that makes, probably, the biggest difference. Powder and Milk vs Syrup and Milk, probably depends on the quality of each. But Syrup and Milk > Powder and Water. Boo Water!

I feel like no matter where you’re from, if you’re attending college you probably ought to know that Tokyo is not in China.

I FEEL YOUR PAIN. i’m allergic to pine nuts, juniper berries, and anything that comes off a damn pine tree. also all cannabinoids (which rarely comes up unless someone tries to trick me into a pot brownie or has a cat who likes to roll around in catnip and then on my face).
i’ve been to several restaurants where i

And even those ten were only killed because God made a bet with Satan that if you killed all of Job’s family, he’d still be faithful.

You’re getting about a 10% response rate, not universal rejection? I’d say that’s a signal you could maybe tweak things a bit, but not one that there’s something horrible wrong with you and also not one that the women you’re writing to are unfairly picky.

“I’ve noticed overweight women I’ve known to usually have much easier times attracting the opposite sex than overweight men”

Not seeing that.