
Amandla is a common South African name, it means Power in the Xhosa and Zulu language and was a protest call for blacks in the apartheid struggle. I used to think her name was silly too until I looked it up

The people who love it all identify with district 12... they don’t realize that they are actually residents of the Capitol.

That pizza stone is so fcking heavy and whenever i do manage to get it out of the cupboard I end up with soggy crust syndrome.

He can have kids of his own. He’s got plenty of sperm he doesn’t need to use these. But he wants to because? His biological clock is ticking? He’s going through menopause? He can’t have children? There’s a vast difference between a healthy man wanting to use frozen embryos of his ex against her wishes and a woman who

It doesn't matter that she wouldn't have to mother them, which isn't guaranteed anyways depending on state custody laws. She does not want to have kids with this man. She does not want to have these kids. She does not want kids that exist out there that she is not a mother to that he is raising. She didn't want to be

Except here he there has been no reason given why he couldn’t have biological kids of his own in another way. He even says of the cases where embryos have been litigated over in the US the only times the parent who wants to have the babies has been given permission to use the embryos are two cases of women who had

Sure. But not without her consent... which she has not given. His religion does not trump her right to decide what happens/does not happen to those cells. Full stop.

No. He can never have children. Ever. In fact, as a result of this entire situation, Sofia Vegara now gets to castrate him and eat his testicles on a special episode of “Modern Family”

I entirely support his right to have biological kids...with someone else. If Loeb wants children, he should find an egg donor.

Answer to #1

yes, that is exactly what I said.

WTF. Just all the WTFs.

So just so we’re clear, Sofia Vergara’s embryo’s are the last known embryo’s and no more women (who actually want children) are left on the earth to reproduce? Children of Men has finally come true?!

This is purely about him having some form of control over her life. He is a 40 year old man with money, his sperm is most likely fine or at least good enough to IVF another set of embryos with an egg donor and then implant into a surrogate; but no, he wants the DNA of his ex-fiancee so he can forever be linked to her.

if you want a kid so bad, just adopt, bro. Jesus.

You might want to remind Howard about that idea.

Calling another interviewer a “syphilitic parasite” or a “clown” while on the Howard Stern show is some pretty dark irony, though probably not intended.

I think when they write things like this:

I can understand the school’s concern, you gotta watch out for that cookie use.

And, much like cops who confiscate drugs, the school administrators promptly “used” the Oreos. It was a wild night.