
In what first world law enforcement system is it ok to push a drunk person down onto her face so hard that it smashes and leaves a giant blood stain? When I was a Freshman in college, I got caught walking outside with a beer in my hand and a police car rolled up alongside me and told me to put the beer down. I did,

That is another thing that gets me. Because I have a problem with them turning her face into hamburger all of the sudden I want her to go unpunished and maybe given the key to the city and a million dollars. Like her getting her face crushed and being allowed to beat the cop to death are the only two options.

And that’s the problem. People need their neat narrative. The victim has to be the right kind of innocent and then match the political leanings of the beholder to earn sympathy, forget about justice. As horrible as she was, she did nothing to deserve having her face smashed to shit. The police deal with criminals,

Looking at her face and the fact that she didn’t even punch him?? Damn lack of compassion much??

Hey, your friendly neighborhood ex-bouncer and security person here.

well, you don’t have to be the perfect victime to be a victime. Being brutalized is being a victime.

Yes she was being an asshole, but the cop was way out of line. He has handcuffs and leg shackles at his disposal- fucking use them. There’s no reason to slam someone’s face into the ground.

uhhhh no. Last straw for who? Perhaps I have high expectations for people, but I would expect EVERYONE in my life to react non-violently to a drunk person trying to hit them. So if I expect everyone in my life to use their better judgment and not slam people’s faces into the ground, I CERTAINLY expect police officers

If the guy can’t control his temper or subdue a drunk woman without smashing her face in he has no business in that job.

It’s not too small. Half this comment thread needs to take/retake statistics.

You can statistically represent the entire US with with a 1100-person sample (with a sampling error of ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level*). If you are only sampling heterosexual adult males, 800 people is oversampling (ed. good enough).

Yeah, um, that’s a large enough sample to be statistically significant.

The survey size doesn’t matter in statistics if the survey questions are sound and the data conclusions are found to be mathematically significant. As this survey was self-administered by an online data pool and paid for by a group with a particular interest in the findings, there’s an argument to be made that the

I don’t want to derail us from the actual point of the article, but one thing I find fascinating about many online men’s groups* is that they talk about women as highly dependent creatures who make less money than men and, as a result, seek out wealthy men for added financial security, particularly if they want to


I’ll still be going there I could care less even if it was in the men’s bathroom fuck it. you wanna see my Weiner [sic] go ahead but that’s not why its there in the first place.

Shit in the sink. It’s the right thing to do.

“At least now the women entering his establishment know to check that closet for creeps and/or video cameras before they sit down.”

I’m going to disagree with many of the comments so far. I loathe retail and customer service, but I’m absolutely dynamite at it: no client would ever know that I’m wishing them dead a little bit, and nor would I ever be rude or do my job less than my ability. My sister has been a teacher for decades, and also

blech. I am sick of hearing these stories about people who say dumb shit and then get fired. All work sucks. Employers should know this. People should also know that facebook is not a diary and any shit talking should be done the old fashioned way, in person or over two cups tied together.