
MRAs don't think that any men ever rape any women. Not ever. They also seem to be fixated on how age of consent laws restrict their freedom to have sex with underaged girls.

I imagine men like you are just pissed you can rape and kill women with impunity anymore.

Yeah, apparently I made a former classmate an MRA because of ...reasons. He told me this about two years ago out of the blue as part of some self-help program he was following. If only I had not led him on (by being generally polite) and then not been creeped out when he started leaving shit in my locker and talking

hahaha, what. A girl sends one boy her nudes...he shares them all over because men are the worst...and they want to prosecute the girl too??? I mean...she got her taste of the real world in that men will take it upon themselves to shame and humiliate you for any minor infraction (even if they asked you to do it),

That’s actually true. Every MRA type I’ve met is still obsessed with high school, even the ones in their 30s.

Me too. So wrong!

They can’t not stop thinking about. If Head Cheerleader Cindy had fucked them all those years ago, then everything would’ve been all right!

I mean, if you leave your keys in your car, and it’s stolen, you get prosecuted as an accessory to grand larceny. Or if you have a wallet with you while on the subway and you’re pick pocketed - accessory to robbery. This is the same thing.

Ugh I just don’t want to think about MRAs whining about teenage girls. Leave kids alone you creeps.

I missed the day at Lady Camp where they taught us how to do our freaking hair— curling, straightening, braiding, etc. Seems like all the ladies know how to manage a ‘do but me. I’ve publicly chalked it up to wanting that extra 1/2 hour of sleep, but admittedly, it’s also about not knowing how to make my hair look

I am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. I have ultrathin, flat hair that doesn’t hold a curl or hairspray or product very well at all. I can do three things: 1) leave it down (it gets really flat really quickly) 2) put in an anemic pony tail 3) put it in a tiny topknot IF my hair is cooperating and I have time to fuck up a


The best trick Matty Weiner has ever pulled is making me feel sympathy for Pete Campbell

I really don’t understand the point of Diana? Why have they randomly thrown some waitress with issues into the last few episodes? I don’t get it.

Oh, you’re just a garden-variety misogynist. Got it, thanks! You can continue on your merry way thinking all those hysterical feminists must be raving and you’re the only one that sees the true light. Maybe one day you’ll wake up to realize that when everyone is telling you how wrong you are, maybe it’s not everyone

I have seen the opposite in that my state’s “standard” custody agreement is joint custody wherein the parent who is in possession of the child at any time appointed in the standard visitation schedule has the right to make any decision as to what to do with the child barring removal from the state and major medical

No, what you’re saying is that if the mother and father in this situation disagree, the mother should do what the father thinks or else she’s a bitch. This isn’t a situation of compromising, it’s either go or don’t go, and you’re saying that she shouldn’t do it just because the father didn’t want her to - in this case

Nope, i’ve taken parenting after separation classes. You’re supposed to let the other parent make whatever decisions, rules & boundaries they believe are appropriate while they have physical custody and stay out of it unless the child is in harm’s way. You’re also supposed to badmouth the other parent or their

okay, he may have a reason to be pissed, but to TAKE IT TO COURT AND MAKE THE DAUGHTER TESTIFY?? really? this wasn’t about a pink concert. this was most likely about a parent being pissed off because he maybe lost the custody battle and probably numerous other things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with his

Well that doesn't sound creepy at all