
I’d be willing to bet half the stuff in gossip mags is placed there by the celebrities’ own management team. No such thing as bad publicity.

I love how people always rush to defend the cops in these cases. No, there is no excuse for him to throw her on the ground with enough force to break her cheekbones. He is a police officer, which means there are higher expectations for his conduct than some drunk frat guy out in a bar. Even if she was being

In related news, researchers find no one ever exaggerates on social media. Ever. Not even once.

I think there are an infinite number of things more terrifying than dropping your kid off at daycare.

MRAs think that men should get all considerations for their bad decisions to rape, exploit, harm or kill women, but that women should have their lives fucking ruined for making any possible mistake in judgement ever.

To be honest, I have thick straight hair - probably ideal for styling - and I can’t do a braid to save my life. The best I can do is like a decent ponytail or a half-ponytail. Now I just wear it short because I’ve given up.

Because the other parent was being unreasonable and was more than likely motivated by spite.

It sounds like you need a nap.

I was a little younger than the girl in the story when my parents divorced. They were definitely not on friendly terms after the divorce, nor were they the best parents, but neither of them would have dragged me and the other parent to court over a concert.

Right, she’s a bitch. Because she didn’t kowtow to his ridiculous and petty demands and took her daughter to an age appropriate concert with adult supervision. I guess she should call him and beg for permission every time she wants to take her daughter out for a hike, or to go see a PG movie too, right?

Wow. Not to be hyperbolic or anything, but this is why no one likes Americans. Enjoy your civil liberties while you still have them. It won’t be long, I guarantee it.

Omg, are you serious? The US constitution is not the only document out there guaranteeing citizens certain rights. What the NSA is doing to foreign nationals is, if not illegal, at least unethical to the highest degree.

I wish he didn’t keep interrupting Snowden to shoehorn in jokes that ultimately were not that funny. This is the problem with this new trend of having satirists attempt to do serious journalism - they keep trying to make the interview about themselves. Stewart and Colbert do the same thing.

Really? Because people in countries other than the US don’t have rights? Fuck off with that US-centric bullshit.

Gotta love adults who still expect birthday presents from friends.

On the grounds that fuck you if you believe/perpetuate the lie that men are the only ones who spend money in a relationship.

So if a woman writes an article about having an abortion or not reporting her rapist to the police, do we also get to judge her reason? Or do we maybe focus on the points she's raising about social expectations of women etc.?

So? There's a difference between debating the point she is raising about male entitlement and women's willingness to forego their own pleasure and declaring that her personal reason for not giving head is not good enough.

That's fine but I think it's weird to declare her "reason" unacceptable. It really has nothing to do with any of us. Her reason should only matter to her and her partners.