Oh fuck off.
Oh fuck off.
But who cares? Does she really need a reason? I think any reason is a good reason when you don't want to do something sexual. Then it's up to the two (or more) people in the relationship to work it out among themselves. She's obviously limiting her dating pool, but that's her problem to deal with.
Whatever, but if you make people prepare you your own ham, you'd better be prepared to fucking eat it.
The woman is a saint. She was very hurt by them that year.
My boyfriend's cousins are like that. His mom did Thanksviging a few years ago and she had a turkey AND a ham (ham was for one of the cousins who refuses to eat turkey), as well as all the sides and stuffing and everything. When they arrived, they announced that they had ordered a pizza an hour earlier so they weren't…
Nothing, because that's just some idiotic bullshit dreamed up by people like you who have never talked to a real woman in their lives?
DTMFA. He sounds super inconsiderate and like he takes you for granted. And it doesn't even sound like he is willing to admit this is inappropriate or a problem. :/
Sorry, but no. Friends don't always come first. That's a sign of immaturity and someone who isn't ready for a serious relationship. There's no hard and fast rule about what he should do and it obviously depends on the situation, but just throwing out a relationship because "friends come first" is childish.
Yeah, can't imagine why they'd be jealous if that's how you respond...
Man, I love these articles where we all get to compete for the title of the best/most humble tipper.
(O Canada), Command true patriots' love in all thy (your) sons. Not too complicated.
People fucking lose their minds every time this change is proposed. Just frothing at the mouth lunacy about tradition and political correctness and blah blah blah.
Hahaha omg this is precious. Not that it's any of your business, but my boyfriend is one of those sci-fi, fantasy geeks. He's into video games and tabletop games. And he isn't an insecure bag of shit who is so afraid of women and so bitter about what he thinks the world owes him that he can't bear the thought of…
Bout time somebody stood up to Big Rape Victim and supported the underserved contingent of campus rapists and rape apologists.
Lol okay. I'm sure my two diet cokes a month are killing me swiftly and without mercy as we speak.
Jesus Christ, you'd think they sell Diet Coke in syringes at shady street corners. Not everyone who drinks it is some kind of a shaking sugar junky. Talking about diet soda as if the majority of consumers have some kind of addiction is ridiculous and I'd advise you to get a grip.
Yeah, obviously not, but there's also no reason to give up all quality of life and never eat anything fun ever again. It's not a choice between all water all the time and amputation and death at the mere whiff of a diet coke and treating it like it's all or nothing makes changing diet that much harder.
I've been a type I diabetic for over 20 years and I'm in great health. And I have diet coke once in a while. Get over it.