And that's fine.
And that's fine.
Yeah, except nobody here is saying it makes it healthy, just more manageable. Why is that a problem, exactly?
And you seem awfully invested in strangers' soda habits.
As opposed to regular coke, which is all natural, squeezed straight from the coke fruit.
North America has had sugar free coke for what, over 30 years now? Maybe it's time to get the fuck over it and accept that some people prefer it or drink it for dietary reasons.
Right? What's wrong with some theatrics now and then? People just want their pop as easy to digest as possible and god forbid if anyone tries anything even remotely different. Gaga changed the fucking game and I love her for it.
At one of her concerts, her mic it out and without missing a beat while they brought her a new one, she goes "Now you have proof I don't fucking lipsync." She's a real professional, that was all Gaga.
I don't think I've ever seen a more appropriate use of that gif.
Haha fair enough.
Yeah... in a country where a child was shot mere months ago for playing outside while black. That crazy Kanye! What will he think of next?
Yeah, with everything happening in America over the past year, there is no way to misinterpret his message with North in a bulletproof vest unless you were willfully (and possibly maliciously) trying to be obtuse. It's maddening.
Why do so many men have this fantasy of women watching them play video games for hours on end? Like that's a thing that should be fun for anyone not playing the video game? It sounds so absurdly selfish and self-centred.
In what world would you put a double L before -ment, you monster?
I thought it expressed sympathy with the Kardashians.
Yeah, he seems to have serious issues with the concept of a non-American frame of reference. For Chinese people, the atrocities of WWII were committed by Japan, not Nazi Germany.
I don't understand the hate that olives get. They are amazing. They immediately improve almost any pizza, especially with bacon or pepperoni.
I take green olives on pizza by the shovelful. Sorry nature robbed you on a sophisticated enough palate to appreciate olives, as most of your other rankings seem entirely reasonable.
Oh my god, I actually laughed out loud at that chicken finger story. That is incredible. I know people get up in arms at stories of employees messing with food around here, but that chicken finger dance is the best thing I have read about all week.