
Ugh, that really sucks. This manager also undid policies everyone liked from the old manager for no reason. Like, the old manager would only give Boxing Day shifts to people who wanted them, so those who worked could actually make decent money and those who wanted to spend time with family or travel could do so. The

It might have been 3, but I included it. Looking back, I could have gone to Employment Ontario or something, but I was just glad to be out of there and it didn't seem worth it.

What the fuck? Seriously, fuck that school and all the assholes who failed to protect you. Unbelievable.

At my first retail job, I had an amazing manager but she got rotated to another location and we got this controlling asshole instead. She was determined to cycle out all the employees hired by the previous manager, but I guess she didn't want to give out severance so she would just cut people out of the schedule for

Woo IB! That's all I have to add. Also, your story is great and I'm glad you told that asshole off.

There's this amazing greasy spoon diner in my hometown that serves the best breakfast imaginable. The waitress isn't mean, per se, but she looks like she would make fun of you with the cooks if you said something dumb. English isn't my first language and I can forget some finicky terms, so I would sometimes google the

Too fucking true!

Then why even consider ordering it? Move on to something else. Vegan shrimp sounds vile enough anyways.

I guess some people just really need to feel holier-than-thou on all occasions. That, or you have a few bad customers here who sympathize with the idiots in the stories.

It's the Jezebel circle of life. Notice how all the previous blondes they wrote hate-articles about multiple times a day (Gaga, Dunham) aren't being picked on anymore. Soon, they'll move on to the next target and leave Iggy alone. It's pathetic.

It amazes me that people always manage to defend the most idiotic behaviour in the BCO stories. Like, god forbid we all share a laugh at some legitimately stupid stories.

Hey, the man is speaking. How else would we know what is a worthy gender equality issue and what is not?

Haha my sister's boyfriend got her ankle weights a few years ago but she had asked for them specifically.

Yes! We must know all the facts! Don't make fun of this idiot until you provide us with an exact schematic layout of the restaurant. I need to run some simulations to determine the exact percentage of idiocy before I can make fun of this unnamed and unharmed person.

Seriously. I love pot as much as anyone but for some reason the weed butter just makes me freak out. Like, I spend 6 hours miserable and just freaking out. That is insanely not cool.

No, I don't think so. I've never heard of that. This is from her old, pre-Pottermore site and she just said it was going to be a chapter set in Malfoy Manor during the summer between two school years.

I think she said it would have been a conversation between him and another Slytherin in his year (maybe Nott?) about the return of Voldemort.

There's supposed to be a Draco story in this batch she's releasing leading up to Christmas, so maybe you'll get your wish! She was hinting at a chapter focusing on Draco at Malfoy Manor that got cut out of one of the books for ages.

If you think either of those reveals had no foreshadowing or build leading up to the reveal, you obviously have no reading skills. Fans had been talking about the Snape thing for years before it was revealed, because JK had set it up, and there was enough foreshadowing on Quirrell for any 11-year-old to read ahead of

Omg, we get it. You're soooooo smart. What are you even doing here? Go read some Dostoyevsky or something.