
Yeah, but teenage Snape doesn't come out looking too great either, as much as I love him. Typical teenage boy stuff.

Okay, yeah, that makes sense. But given that there are multiple versions at this point, I think it's fair for there to also be multiple readings of the song.

Yeah, but bringing it up in a thread where literally nobody else has mentioned banning it is pretty disingenuous.

Lol who's crusading to ban the song?

Then don't argue that the song can only ever be read one way and every other reading is wrong.

Read some fucking Stuart Hall, seriously.

Jezebel loves to kill its darlings as long as soon as it becomes more profitable to do so than to laud them. I just wonder when they'll turn on Queen Bey.

Man, you're so much better than everyone! :o

Was there even a LensCrafters there?

Are you trying to get people killed?

As an aside on Arrow, I was so excited at the little Harley Quinn reference and so bummed out when it turned out to just be an easter egg. More Harley!

That's the crazy thing. Like, if what happened to me had happened to someone else and they told me, I'd absolutely say it was rape. But it's so much harder to admit that about your own experience.

Fuck off.

So true. I think a lot of her work has dealt with rape, dehumanization and being controlled or used by men.

There's always one, isn't there?

Good one!

Not to mention John Meyer. He's not even a comedian!

Tina Fey was pretty great on Weekend Update. But yeah, Wanda Sykes would kill it.

I have never met anyone who only reads books by men.

Lol, censorship. Go read a dictionary, and try harder next time you want to troll.