
That's not even remotely what this study is about.

This isn't even the same kind of science that goes into researching diseases and vaccines. The researchers of this study probably lack the training to study microbiology. We can't restrict research purely to things for which we can see an immediate application, because we'd then miss out on very valuable discoveries.

Not exclusively. There's no panel overseeing all scientific research and deciding what deserves money and researchers and what can wait or isn't worth studying.

That's really not how science funding and research works.

The Ayn Rand thing is a boner-killer, but the kitten rescuing makes me swoon. My vagina is confused. I can't imagine how yours must feel.

I think you sound reasonable in those situations and he sounds like an ass.

Does it have to be the same dick every day? Just wondering.

Haha, so true. I worked with a girl who told me how anti-Plan B she was, except for the one time she had to take it. I was like:

Yes. That's the whole point of Singles Day - online shopping.

You... haven't actually read anything about neurology, have you?

Except that your idiotic comments prove that you didn't learn anything in philosophy class, because the first thing they'll tell you is that there is no one agreed upon way of knowing or understanding the world.

It's like you sat in on two lectures of an intro to philosophy class in undergrad and you think everyone should take your deranged ideas seriously now because you're such an enlightened thinker. Or you're just a mildly successful troll. Either one.

Please don't inflict this drooling moron on rape survivors. We've been through enough.

If you have no control between a thought entering your head and performing that action, you have some serious issues. Because no, that's not how humans operate. I was seized with a strong desire to jump in when I saw the Niagara Falls for the first time but I didn't fucking do it because I have fucking impulse

You are undeniably a disgusting human being. Go troll somewhere else.

"Science and philosophers."

Oh fuck you. Seriously. You don't get to tell rape victims their perspectives don't count because they've actually experienced rape unlike you.

Fate made him do it? What? Are you saying he had no choice in the matter? I'm just having trouble wrapping my mind around your logic.

It's only a matter of time.