I don't know what you want me to tell you, I also said they're pretty good. I'm not saying I'd choose cicadas over popcorn when I go to the movies, but I am saying that I've eaten them and would eat them again.
I don't know what you want me to tell you, I also said they're pretty good. I'm not saying I'd choose cicadas over popcorn when I go to the movies, but I am saying that I've eaten them and would eat them again.
More for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also think celery is not that bad, so...
Eh, try cicadas fried in peanut oil. Pretty good! I think it's an acquired taste and it'll be a while before the West gets over itself and starts eating them, but insects are really not that bad.
Does it matter? Like, does it honestly matter if he says to choke a girl within 5 or 30 minutes of meeting her? The point is, he's in a room full of guys telling them that grabbing women without their consent (and he is talking about women he just met, in the case of the grabbing) is a great pick-up technique. Like, I…
Yeah, nothing wrong with making out or sleeping with someone within minutes of meeting them if you have their consent. He's not asking these women if they want him to choke them of shove their faces into his crotch. And he's explicitly telling these guys to grab women without asking as a pick-up technique. Of course,…
Not someone I just met. Forcefully shoving strangers' faces into your crotch is more than creepy.
"because Elliot Rodgers was a fucking psycho who refused to grow as a man and instead believed that being a nice guy (as fed to him by feminists and the media) was going to magically make him connect to women"
Well jeez, we wouldn't want to mix up our woman haters, now would we?
How charitable of him to "fantasise" about her despite being several decades older than her! Why, that's practically unheard of! She owes it to him to lose weight!
Slytherin, baby! And the extra material is always worth slogging through chapters full of tiny Bertie Botts Jelly Beans.
Yeah, that's pretty weird too. Reminds me of those fake snow sprays people use around Christmas on their trees.
Lol okay. If you want to feel all victimized because I told you to mind your own business, you do that.
You're the one jumping all over this post about a singed cat to tell us how much better than thou you are because you care about the "real issues." Let people fucking donate to the cat if they want, it's no skin off your nose. And 14,000$ is really not that much in the grand scheme of things.
Why is she so wet tho? It's really grossing me out. It looks like her chest got sprayed by a fine mist just before the photo was taken.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business if you can't even be bothered to donate 5$ a year to the starving kids of America who are supposedly getting neglected because of this cat.
He doesn't donate but he knows exactly how everyone else should donate. A true American hero.
Omg, I remember this one from last year, I think! So creepy!