
Oh my god, "anal salutes!" I just died.

I don't even want to study this phenomenon from a position of "these guys are evil," more like, "what are the social conditions leading these people to react this way." But damn, are they making that hard.

Thanks for the heads up! I think he might have given up on me though.

Yeah, actually! Hey, you seem to have a knack for inane yelling. Give me a call sometime, I'll hook you up with a gig. You might have a bright future in the industry of traffic yelling, you never know.

Considering I have three years of experience in the industry I want to work in, I'm not too worried about it.

I don't think it's much at all. When their aim is to terrify anyone who says anything remotely contrary to their twisted world view out of the gaming industry, I'd say that's pretty fucking political. The threat these creeps pose for women in gaming is real and minimizing that does no one any good.

Yes, clearly there is only one way in the world to respond to terrorist threats.


I'm planning on studying this kind of gate-keeping in the gaming community for my Master's thesis. The response you've received is honestly terrifying.

Blowing up at fairly innocuous criticism is part of CA's schtick. It's a bit sad, but what can you do?

I have always maintained that, if some otherworldly horror befalls us, it will come from the seas, not the skies. I'm now convinced that the first wave is upon us. God help us all.

Pff if you can count to 10 you can count to 100 in Chinese. Not impressed.

Because it's rude to do on a crowded bus.

Believe it or not, women don't like crotch sweat either. I know, mindblowing, right?

I posted a similar comment. I was discussing the Nazis with some friends in China a while back, and they were like, "To us, that's Japan." It just is not that central to Chinese history, so I get a bit annoyed at articles like these. I get where they're coming from, but yeah, we do the same thing with their history

You know, I was talking to some friends in China about World War II (not sure how it came up) and I mentioned the history with the Nazis, and they were like, "To us, that's Japan." As in, the historical context is totally different. It's not that they don't know the history, it's that for countries in a lot of Asia,

It's a very soft n, but it's there. I depends on the consonant, but some are definitely pronounced even without the e.

Yeah, the expression is the stuff of nightmares.

Yes. It's awful. That and the super disappointing dick. It just doesn't have all the force of the great typhoon, nor the strength of a raging fire, you know?

This has ruined Li Shang for me. I hope you're happy.