
There are lots of gay men who do not, in fact, have anal sex. It's just plain not for everyone. Are you being homophobic if you, presumably a man, refuse to have a nice fat cock shoved up your ass on the regular (by a person of your choosing, of course)?

Ugh, I couldn't read it, because it was so bad. And he's defending how garbage views in the comments. He actually said, "You should never ask anything in bed. You try things out and if the other person is not receptive then you stop and move on to something else." For real. There is no way this guy has experienced sex

It just feels good? Not that everyone has to like it, and never trying it at all is totally legit, but it is pleasurable if you are into that sort of thing.

Discovery has a whole slew of really excellent shows on all kinds of topics, including gender issues, science, conspiracies, pop culture... My favourites are Stuff Mom Never Told You (gender stuff, but the hosts have recently gotten kinda meh, so I recommend episodes before 2012) and How Stuff Works (great hosts -

Insert a finger or two into your vagina with the pads of your fingers facing up and curl your fingers (like a "come here" motion). The ridgy, spongy tissue you stroke should be your g-spot. Or you could use a curved vibrator/dildo, though I haven't had much luck with those.

You know what else is uncomfortable? Having to sit with your knees squeezed together and at an angle from your torso, because the dickwad next to you has to unstick his nasty balls from his legs for the entire train or bus ride. That's pretty fucking uncomfortable too. Your comfort doesn't trump other people's

Age: 19

Ellen Page was already a superhero when she played Kitty Pride but this is cool too.

Yeah, the last fight we had is still too fresh for that. I mean, I've told him previously that I hope we can stay together until we go back home and then re-evaluate the relationship with some distance between us, but I don't know if I can hold out that long anymore. I hope we can discuss it more calmly in the morning

I'm living in China right now, and next week, my mom is visiting for a week, so I'll meet her in Beijing for a day to see the wall (did a bigger tour around Beijing back in May with the boyfriend's family) and then we're taking the high speed train to Xian to see the terracotta warriors and other cool stuff. I'm

Thanks for your comment. The living situation is hard to fix because we have our apartment through our employer. It is pretty big though, so we could have separate rooms. Basically, I want us to be civil to each other once the dust settles until the contract is up. We're both isolated enough as it is. He at least gets

What do you do when you're pretty sure you should break up with your boyfriend, but you're stuck in a foreign country with him for another six months? I don't know how much longer I can take this.

So, I've been in China teaching English with my boyfriend for six months now, with six more before we get to go home, and I'm really feeling down about not being a part of my friends' lives anymore. It's so stupid, because I'm on this great adventure (just climbed Mount Tai and visited Confucius' hometown), but every

I haven't tried this, but I've heard that there are sites that will match you up with a buddy who speaks Spanish and wants to learn English. Basically, you have Skype sessions that are half in Spanish and half in English. Sorry I couldn't offer more details, but I think it's worth looking into if you want conversation

I did read the whole discussion and what I saw was that every time you were confronted with counter-arguments, you shouted back nonsense about your hypothetically dead parents to shut down discussion.

Yes, clearly people arguing for more restraint in the use of tasers are just hoping your parents die. Like, today. A bloody, violent death. That's exactly what they're arguing for.

I love superhero movies, but this was almost as bad as the Green Lantern. I barely got through it.

So, I'm super late to the game, but I just watched Iron Man 3 with the boyfriend and it. sucked. SOOOOO MUCH. They could have done so much more with the Mandarin and Extremis. The dialogue sounded like whoever wrote it had been raised in a forest by wolves, had just been reintroduced to society yesterday, and had no

I love my plain Balkan 8%MF yogurt more than any ice cream. I feel you. It's the best.

No. Addicting is totally NOT a word! I will never accept it as a legitimate word. It just sounds wrong.