That looks great. I'll definitely have to check it out. I've been using boric acid suppositories, but they're more of a treatment than a preventative measure.
That looks great. I'll definitely have to check it out. I've been using boric acid suppositories, but they're more of a treatment than a preventative measure.
The local aquarium in the Chinese town where I'm teaching English has a Little Mermaid-inspired mermaid show. They also use the Starwars theme to introduce the seal show though.
I'm teaching at a training school in China right now and the administration has ordered the Chinese assistants to prepare all the kids for plays in English, even though we don't have anywhere to present them (it's supposed to be a promotion for the school; also nobody here speaks English, so the audience would…
Has anyone used coconut oil as a preventative measure against yeast infections? I read somewhere that it's a great and natural anti-fungal and you can use it instead of lube with non-latex condoms. I'm really sensitive to lube and can only use super hippy-dippy organic lube, so I'm hoping coconut oil works fine.…
Oh, I'm definitely getting a kitty when I come back and sort out the apartment situation. My cat at home is a siamese mix (shorthair colorpoint:…) and he's just wonderful and fun and sweet. I miss him like crazy. Good thing my mom sends me frequent pictures. The one thing I did not…
I've had to take this step with friends and you're totally right to be pissed. Bailing on you was a shit move and he deserves to be shunned for his behavior and to grovel if he wants in on fun times with you again (it does sound like you had a lot of fun things planned, as well as snacks). This guy has no excuse.
I think it's just for this post though, not actual approved commenter status. Oh well.
I hate being this person, but can someone get me out of the greys already? I know we're supposed to sit around commenting into the grey void until a benevolent moderator fairy takes pity and sprinkles some approved commenter dust on us, but it's getting pretty discouraging being in the same category of people as the…
My dad is an alcoholic. He's had a drinking problem my entire life, but it really spiraled out of control over the past couple of years. I could not visit him unless we had previously arranged, because otherwise I was likely to find him drunk, he had these terribly injuries from falling almost monthly, he was always…
I lost it at the cat playing the keyboard with the disembodied hands moving him around.
The fact that her sex is "technically" male has nothing to do with the fact that she identifies as a woman. If you don't want to honour her request, that's your prerogative, but you're being a gaping asshole.
I never said it was. In fact, the word same doesn't even appear in my comment. You're inferring that on your own.
This makes zero sense, but sure.
Umm, I'm pretty sure the article was not advocating that fat shaming be replaced with thin shaming. Lindy herself says she calls out thin shaming when she sees it, because she knows how hurtful that kind of thing can be. IloveJakeRyan simply said her sister had felt the sting of body shaming. Looks to me like you're…
Again, what makes you an arbiter of what is and is not on the list of priorities for gender inequality? Believe it or not, we all get to decide that for ourselves. It's not always perfect, but there is no one true feminism. There are fights that are more important to me than parental leave. I'm not even American. But…
Unpaid internships need to be outlawed. If the small non-profit I worked for could afford to pay be 15$/hour and give me a small raise and a generous bonus, despite being above budget for the year, fucking Conde Nast can afford to pay people for their work. Experience is great, but unpaid internship are pure…
My problem is that you're not even making an argument for parental leave. You're trying to shut down discussion by imposing your interpretation of what constitutes equal rights. Most of us here support parental leave for both parents, but we recognize that maternity leave is an important first step in that direction.…
My best boss was a woman. She took me under her wing during my first internship, made sure I got a second term with the organization and then a contract position after I graduated, let me take extra responsibility and try my hand at all sorts of aspects of the work and even took me on a business trip to meet with…
And you're the arbiter of what we should and should not discuss under the mantle of gender equality why exactly?
I think most people don't even get to the point of reading the book and misunderstanding it. The people who use Lolita to designate a sexy, precocious teenager only have vague second and third-hand knowledge about there being a book about a man who is so "in love" with a precocious teenage girl. In the book, there is…