
I'm in China right now, having a pretty rotten week with my school. It's a training school, though, not an international school, so not really as well run. I've been here for five months, and while I really like teaching and the kids, I'm finally starting to realize that the foreign teachers are just here for PR and

Yeah, another foreign teacher fell down some stairs and broke his pubic bone and all they gave him at the hospital were anti-inflammatories. Pain killers are really heavily controlled here as a result of all the problems they had with opium. I mean, you can buy acetaminophen and ibuprophen, but nothing heavier than

Haha, they don't even give you pain killers for broken bones here. Weed's way illegal. Too bad, because some days I feel like it would really help in relaxing after days like today.

Thanks. I just came back from class. About half an hour before the end of my first class, two dudes came in and started drilling and putting up wire everywhere and they didn't leave until about 20 minutes into my second class. It was ridiculous. I miss pot, lol.

So, I've been working as an English teacher at a Chinese training school (basically an after-school program) since February and this week has been really frustrating. I love the kids, but my god, the English program manager drives me up the wall. She's known as the best high school English teacher (she is Chinese) in

I'm always INTJ. Apparently, so are Vladimir Putin and Gandalf.

You know, I felt pretty defensive when I first read your post, but you're right. We (white people) are complicit in this system that dehumanizes and devalues people of colour, whether we want to or not. We've got to own this shit and do better. Being called out for our complicity and complacency is nothing compared to

I think you should discuss it when the feelings are less raw for you. You sound like you're a thoughtful, introspective person. But you shouldn't scream at her over something she had no control over. Give yourselves time to process this.

You're an asshole. Seriously, dude. Find a way to deal that doesn't consist of you emotionally abusing your poor, pregnant wife who did nothing wrong. And your kid's biological father is white? Am I reading this right?

Ah, the "you're not complaining about X, Y, and Z, therefore your argument about A is invalid" argument. Classic. Always a favourite among idiots who did not bother to read the article to notice that the author calls out the video game industry as a whole, and not just GTA.

If a man doesn't like Sarah Haskins, he's not worth dating. Word.

I'm not going to use that Robert Downey Jr. meme from Tropic Thunder to describe what you just said here, but I really want to. I know you know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, she's not obligated to buy the game. She can decide she won't buy it because she doesn't like the cover art and that would still not be petty, because it's her fucking money and she gets to decide. The fact that out of eight playable characters in the series, not one is a woman tells us that the developers don't

Oh well, it's their game, she doesn't get to dictate how they write the storyline. But god forbid she doesn't buy it with her own money because it doesn't appeal to her! That would be petty, just petty, I tell ya. Solid logic, bro.

My feet are pretty calloused and I have a weird crooked toe, but it doesn't bother me unless someone else comments negatively. Like, I had a pedicure done before my prom and the lady at the spa gave me the most grossed out look and made some weird comments about my feet. I had trimmed, cleaned and pumiced that shit

He met her at a photo shoot for the fur company where he was a salesman. In one of the episodes where you see flashbacks to that job, there is a very prominent poster of Betty modeling a fur coat behind Don. He gave her the coat she was modeling as a gift in an effort to leverage a date and charmed the pants off her.

I don't know if it's a job hunt success story, but when my boyfriend graduated in fall of 2011 and moved in with me, he was out of work for something like 8 months, because the employment situation for new graduates who don't speak any French just sucked in our city. He finally had to sign up with an employment agency

Sure sounds like you dodged a bullet with this guy. Dust yourself off and get back out there. There are definitely much better people to be met than this clown.

Why do female celebrities persist in doing this weird cockatoo hair? It looks ridiculous on absolutely everyone and it makes them look 15 years older. Am I the only one who thinks this?