
Yeah, the last time I saw him, he was planning on driving out to a hospital to visit a kid he had helped out who had swallowed some poison, or something. That was going to be his next feather. And the tattoo was really cheesy, especially with the cowering girl under the wings...

A set of angel wings on his back floating over a cowering girl, with a falling feather for every person he's saved that "really affected" him. He was a firefighter and his IM handle was guardian angel. He was grossly full of himself, if you can't tell.

Leaving aside the bride's asshole behavior for a moment, is forwarding every shitty message we receive on Facebook to HuffPo and the local newspaper a thing we're doing now? Because it's weird.

Yes, that's clearly what people are saying to you. That all single people ever want to do is party and you, responsible parent, are stopping us from the bacchanal that is our life. Because clearly single people can't have any other obligations or interests or commitments, other than to party and to work.

And I know this might sound shocking to you, but sometimes those people have to be parents. Not all parents have super small kids, so the burden really shouldn't always fall on single people's shoulders.

Why shouldn't single people be allowed to leave work at a reasonable hour for something like paint class? It's setting time for themselves and boundaries on their time that are healthy. No one is saying that single people should leave at noon and leave parents to burden until 8 or 9 pm, but it's absolutely reasonable

Pppffft, as with everything else, the Chinese have America beat when it comes to weird flavours of Oreos. They have all kinds of gross combinations year-round here - grape-peach, strawberry-pear and a couple of other weird fruit combinations. Also, these aren't the more neutral-tasting vanilla Oreos. These are

Yup, that's the one.

Yes! That's the one!

I never got the Beanie Baby craze, but I do still vividly remember the year that my mom couldn't afford to buy my sister and me Christmas presents (yay for being new immigrants). She took us to a charitable organization that gave needy families free toys. My sister and I had to wait in the car for a long time. When

Wow, what a fucking dipshit. You're well rid of him. People like him usually end up alienating whatever miserable soul they've inflicted themselves on. Best of luck!

I really like the photos and your stock looks great. I like seeing items in an outfit or paired with other pieces. I'm not sure how doable this would be for you, but if you can include maybe one picture where the item is paired with something else, it might give more context for the pieces. Good luck!

I always wash my Diva Cup with sex toy cleaner. It's super cheap, lasts a pretty long time and it's designed for silicon products, so you don't have to worry about it eating through your cup. I haven't had any problems with discoloration since I started using the cup about 6 or 7 months ago.

My boyfriend's always hating on anime, but I got him super hooked into GitS: SAC, as well as Cowboy Bebop previously. There really is something for everyone in anime, but I think people's preconceptions about it and animation as a medium keep a lot of people from giving it an honest try.

Went to a strip club with a guy and sat by myself for 30 minutes while he got a private dance and who knows what else in the champagne lounge. We had slept together a few times by then, but he was cooling on me, so I guess I was trying to entice him back. It was humiliating and I never slept with him again, thank god.

Yeah, I'm in what's considered a small town here and people are way more impressed by my boyfriend's light hair and blue eyes than they are by my dark arm hair. Most people don't even realize I'm not Chinese unless they get a good look at my eyes, since I have straight black hair and dark eyes.

It might depend on where she was. I have long and dark arm hair and nobody has so much as batted an eye at it in the four months I've been here.

This is the most ridiculous and uninformed opinion I've seen all day. Congrats.

Get over yourself. For someone with thick skin, you sure sound like a whiny little shit.

You didn't read the whole article, did you?