
I hate sweet drinks. I prefer beer, but when I want a cocktail, I get a Caesar. It's like a Bloody Mary, but better. But you might have trouble finding a bar that can make it. It seems to mostly be a Canadian thing.

Yeah, that's my thinking too. Especially in the humanities. I really don't want to be 30 and just starting my career.

Basically, I want to do what you do, but in the not-for-profit sector, ideally in international organizations with an advocacy mandate. I have about a year and a half's worth of experience in that sector and I'd like to continue working in it after school.

So I want to apply to grad school in the fall for the Fall 2014 semester. I'm applying to communications departments and what I'd like to do is in the realm of game studies. I'm either going to study sexual/gendered harassment in MMORPGs, or something along the lines of self-construction in the online world, though

I always think of Amber from Clueless. Maybe that character ruined the name?

Oh, I know. It just kills me to see him destroy his life. I want him to be happy and well.

If it helps, I've never encountered anyone who objected to me taking that position during doggy-style. It might have been a strange coincidence that you ended up with a string of men who found it strange. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Because the dudes you've been fucking are idiots. Seriously, who looks at a pussy aimed right at their face/dick/whatever and questions the position? You do what feels right and tell them to shut the fuck up. They have no reason to complain.

Thanks! I live in Ottawa, so I'm sure we have it. I'll tell him about it and get the info sorted out. He has a ride with some neighbors, but it would be nice to know he has a back-up.

My dad has been an alcoholic since I was a kid and his addiction has gotten progressively worse since we immigrated to Canada and my parents divorced. Over the past several years, he's been unemployed, his physical condition has deteriorated significantly and his drinking got worse.

One of my worst moments was when I tried to ask a guy to prom and when he rejected me, I tried to save face by telling him that I just wanted a date so my mom wouldn't think I was a lesbian. Yup.

Oh god. So classy.

It's okay. We think about fucking your friends. And some of ours.

"Jizzabelch"? Are you 12 years old? Does your mom know you're reading articles with adult content?

Honestly, he sounds defensive. He sounds like he's doing that thing where you try to deflect attention from the issue you don't want to discuss by blowing up the surrounding issues. It's not a good sign, Just my two cents, though.

I was going to say the same thing.

I'm pretty sure she's on tour. I've noticed that she skips award shows when she's on the road.


I don't think she mentioned how he smelled, but I can't imagine he would smell anything but lovely. I haven't spoken to her in a couple of years, since we drifted apart after she moved to LA, but that voicemail message really was something.

Is it just me, or do some of the models appear to have really small heads? Is it an effect of the lighting or make-up? It's really throwing me off.