
Believe it or not, we can't all be engineers, doctors and lawyers. The country also needs policy analysts, communications professionals, business managers, foreign relations experts, as well as all kinds of creative people. You need generalists just as much as you need specialists. Additionally, forcing someone into a

No! Are you kidding me? Fuck that guy. That's terrifying.

I'm leaving for China in less than three weeks for a year of teaching English with my boyfriend. Anyone have experience with that or China? Got any advice for me? I'm starting to freak out a little.

Wrong. The argument that arts majors don't get jobs is complete bullshit and not supported by the data. Research shows grads with arts degrees generally take a longer time to enter a career, but they're not all lining up on the street begging for change. They still majorly outperform people with no post-secondary

Even better.

Yeah, I feel like the model of my parents really didn't do much for my ability to deal with conflict in my own relationship. I'm learning, but it's hard when you've been raised with a dysfunctional model and nobody else to emulate.

And be sure to eat some asparagus beforehand!

I know! He looks revolting! Everything I've read here screams insecurity and douche-baggery. Where are these women willing tho sleep with this person?

Of fucking course there's a pro-PUA calling himself Tyler Durden. At first I was like, really? But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. There just has to be a douche-canoe PUA calling himself Tyler Durden. It would be wrong if there weren't.

As Dan Savage says, once you cum the blow job is over. What the blowee does with the cum is extra and up to them.

I think Liz Lemon taught us all an important lesson in that episode, and that is that if you ever have a shot at Peter Dinklage, DON'T FUCK IT UP!

Oh, I know! Or when she gets mad at Kenneth for asking him what it's like to live under a bridge.

Haha, thanks. It's definitely one of the few cool and spontaneous things I've done in my life. Usually, I'm much more of a square.

I was so disappointed when she drove Peter Dinklage away that one episode. :(

Drunk on a beach in Greece with an Albanian guy who didn't really speak any common languages with me. It was awesome. I had the same attitude as you and I knew exactly what I was doing and getting myself into. Nothing but good memories from that little fling.

I didn't tell the guy I was with that I was a virgin either. It really didn't matter to me that he should know, because I met him on vacation and had zero intention of keeping in touch after I got back home.

It's not like they showed close-ups of bleeding vaginas or pelted each other with bloody tampons and cups either. I really don't get what this comment is about, other than trolling because "Herp-derp vergernas are gross!"

You fold it in on itself to put it in and release it once it's far enough that it won't sprint out. It creates a kind of vacuum suction that keeps it in place and keeps leaks from happening. You kind of have to figure out how often to empty it based on how heavy your flow is. No less than once every 12 hours (morning


Which vagina in particular?