
Oh god, that's awful.

What are you even talking about? Where have you seen a woman in a backless dress in an office environment? I do agree that men should have more options, but the rest of your argument about forcing women to have fewer options is bullshit.

Yes, but I shouldn't have to wear gloves to keep my hands from going numb as a type. This was actually an issue in my old office.

No, more. But hey, enjoy your boring sex life.

So you can assert with confidence that every woman who enjoys sex toys, erotica, porn etc are deluded, boring, unimaginative and victims of the culture? You're basically denying them all their sexual agency because you don't like those things. Do you even realize how insane and self-important that makes you sound?

No, I'm sure you've watched porn. I just doubt you've watched enough to honestly make the statement that 99% of it is awful and all those who enjoy it are deluded.

Can you recommend any good vampire romance/erotica novels? It's a pretty big turn-on of mine, but most of the stuff out there is really badly written (I'm looking at you J.R. Ward).

Lol. Don't date shitty people maybe? Though you sound pretty awful yourself, so...

Yikes. Methinks the problem is judgmental pricks like you. No one is saying that a woman is wrong for not using porn to masturbate or in partnered sex. You're the one claiming women who do those things are unimaginative and have stupid turn-ons and you're soooo much better. Get over yourself.

I actually quite like penises and I can assure you that if someone shot my vibrator, I would not be overly distraught. Your response just amused me, because really? Who would even say that?

I'm just amazed that the thought popped into your head and you actually thought it was funny or witty enough to put it out there for other people to see. Like, you're proud of it or something. Just amazing. In a bad way.

And you know this because you've watched soooo much porn, I'm sure, and because your taste is universal.

I am 10,000% with you on the Pride and Prejudice porn. More Mr. Darcy, less Meathead Wearing Nothing But White Tube Socks in the porn please!

I'm thinking of getting by boyfriend a cock sleeve for Valentines Day. They have those cute ones in the egg-shaped boxes... I've also used a strap-on and vibrator on him. It's all fun.

Wait, so you don't like porn, but you've completed a survey of all of the porn out there that is detailed enough to assert that less than 1% of it is not awful?

Lol, relax. Breathe. We'll get through this.

Oh gad, this killed me!

You're missing out with the Harry Potter books.

What's wrong with Stoker? And since when do short stories not qualify as literature?

"Hashtag" and "email" sound really stupid if you try to say them in French. Courriel makes much more sense. It's a combination of the words courrier (mail) and éléctronique. I don't see what the issue is. It's really inconvenient to have to use foreign words that do not flow when you're having a conversation in French.