
Yes, but a dictionary definition doesn't change the fact that you write like someone trying way too hard to convince himself and others that he's smart. And failing.

Yes, I am entirely sure that people who don't have access to sex are just fine. Provided they've more than the two brain cells you seem to possess. If you think yelling sexual things at women and attempted kidnap are normal behaviours, I'm going to assume you're typing from a prison or mental asylum. Also, "studiously

It's so cute when trolls like you try to use big words like "conception" without any idea what they mean.

Normal behaviour like groping women in public, attempting to kidnap women off the street, yelling lewd things at women and basically making women's lives hell? Don't you sound like a charming little proto-rapist.

No, I really don't think feminists need to care about the needs of rapists and sexual harassers. I feel bad for the ones who aren't resorting to rape and sexual harassment, but I'm sure they're adult enough to know how to take care of their own needs in the absence of a willing partner. Rapist pigs get zero of my

Acting like a grown-ass adult is so haaaaaaard! My penis needs frieeeeeends :(

"And it's really not fair to require men to go for extended periods of time without sex because some men's expression of wanting sex is problematic."

Oh, okay then! Rape away, good sir! We wouldn't want the mighty dick going without sex, now would we?

Yeah, it seems like Kelly Osbourne just calls people who are more famous than her fat every time her name is out of the tabloids for a while. Rinse and repeat.

Well, I see that real words fail you and you've resorted to a child-like and inane tapping on the keyboard. I'll leave you to it and hope you find someone closer to your own rather dismal IQ level with whom you can have more rewarding interaction.

Ermahgerd so witty! [[[[[PUKE]]]]]!!!!111!11!!one

It's cute how proud you seem to be of your ignorance.

...which is why we expose ourselves to dead versions of the flu virus through vaccines so our immune system recognizes them and develops antibodies for them. OMG science!

Listen people, you may have a "strong immune system" and don't get the flu (you're asymptomatic), but that doesn't mean you're not actually infected and spreading it. Just FYI.

Are you volunteering to be trimmed from the population, or is it other (abstract) people who should die, because you're a special and precious snowflake?


And of course, the thinning always has to be other people dying, right? Not you, precious, you're a special snowflake.

You know, some people, like me, have weak immune systems and you really can't tell. I have type 1 diabetes, which makes me more susceptible to get sick and makes recovery more difficult. I get vaccinated (especially since I had such a great time with swine flu a few years ago), but I'm just saying - you really can't

Wow, you don't at all sound like an entitled, self-absorbed douchebag. Way to be a decent human being. Stellar job!

Because not everyone can get the flu shot even if they're part of a population more at risk of getting the flu. Believe it or not, it's not all about you.