
If they actually dispensed cold refreshing beer, maybe.

Lol, okay then...

This gave me a sad. So gross.

8 years? Seriously? Your boyfriend needs to move on. That's not healthy, regardless of what Mr. "Hannons" up there might have to say about it.

I don't say this often, but this article sucked. To the anonymous author: people have different emotional responses and just because someone's way of dealing with stuff doesn't sync up to yours doesn't make them a "hardened shell of yourself," or whatever.

On the other hand, he does shrooms and Gandalf gets him high. So, balance?

Really, who gives a fuck? There is no rule that says everyone who goes to a club has to leave with a partner for the night. Clubs don't care. They exist to provide a venue for dancing, entertainment and yeah, finding a hookup, but it's not like it's a rule that everyone has to use it for finding hookups. I've never

Fuck that. Seeing The Hobbit and being able to fully appreciate/experience it is important for us LOTR fans and if he's not up to scratch to discuss it to the depth and breadth to which you want to discuss it and he's not a boyfriend or anything like that, he has no claim on your LOTR/Hobbit time. I would have seen it

Oh man, that would be so obnoxious. Bachelor/ette parties are bad enough as it is. At least keep that shit contained where you're not insulting/rubbing it in the faces of a whole community who doesn't have the same freedoms as you.

I didn't have a problem cancelling my account, but that was several years ago, so maybe they were easier to deal with then. It did make my skin dependent on the product and my break-outs got worse for a while after I stopped using it. The worst part was that the product not only bleached the hair right around my face

So is vilifying single parents and acting like single parenthood is the kiss of death for one's children.

Alright, you go on believing that if it makes you feel better.

It definitely is.

You're assuming a lot there. Not every divorced woman receives child support/alimony, even if it's court ordered.

So you're saying a tiny semantic issue warrants an over-the-top rant about how poor Tracy is oppressed as a coupled parent?

And you know this how?


Christ, is it necessary to take such offense to a (very rare) article celebrating single motherhood, when every single other article on the subject is about how kids of single mothers are under-performing in every way possible and basically screwed for life? Get over it, Tracy. It's not about you.

Haha, wow. Those two sound charming.

"Mere 32." Jeez, make me feel like a virgin with my measly 4, why don't you?