Everything about this article seems pretty gross, haha.
Everything about this article seems pretty gross, haha.
Oh my god, you're so smart and well-read! But it's actually spelled D'Artagnan...
But being judgmental is the only thing that makes me feel aliiiiiiiiiiive anymore!
Or he could man up and raise the kid as the primary parent if he's that concerned. But it doesn't sound like either party has much going on in the maturity department.
You sound like a wonderful human being...
Nah, it's way more important to get in on the snarking over someone's reading comprehension skills as soon as you spot that shit. That way they can confirm to themselves how much smarter they are.
How does one learn stupid? Or did you mean "learn, stupid," stupid?
So you're saying asking for permission to marry the daughter is biological, like childbirth?
Thank you, random internet commenter. We'll be sure to let the Grand Feminist Council know of your most valued verdict on the proposal debate, so we may amend our future direction to better suit your opinions.
Sorry to break it to you, but marriage for love, at least in Western Judeo-Christian society, is a modern invention.
I think the more important question is, who cares? If she were my friend/acquaintance, sure, I'd have words with her. But she's some anonymous nobody none of us knows. Does this really warrant all the hand-wringing? Not really. But I guess we can all feel better about ourselves now that we've all clarified how…
The difference lies in whether or not she believes her choice to never have an abortion should apply to all women. A woman can be perfectly feminist and never want to have an abortion, but I don't think she can be a feminist and also believe that she knows better than other women about what is best for them when they…
No, it is not. Not when that woman chooses to oppress other women and actively work to take away their rights. Such a woman is not a feminist.
Was anyone else reminded of that scene in Machete where Lindsay Lohan and her (movie) mom decide to film a porno together and both have sex with Machete? Just me?
You sound delightful.
Ha! I've done that on a five-hour bus ride. I pushed the seat back in an upright position when the woman in front of me was in the bathroom at the rest stop. Lucky for me, she left it that way.
For what it's worth, I think your wedding sounds delightful and your dress was very beautiful.
You reeeeeaaaaaally don't like vegan food and NIN, huh? You sound a little unbalanced.
I want to fry it up in its own fat, put it in a sandwich and eat it. Like bacon. That's how much I love this comment.
For what it's worth, I agree. Choices aren't automatically feminist just because a woman makes them.