No, it's all about "choice." Apparently any choice is feminist as long as a woman makes it.
No, it's all about "choice." Apparently any choice is feminist as long as a woman makes it.
"The '50s lifestyle has helped my marriage because my husband knows he can trust me. I'm not going to go out to clubs without him and whore around."
Calling you his crazy girlfriend at work/anywhere is a serious dick move. Not cool, bro.
Don't buy the retroactive bullshit about how it was "all a lie." Immature assholes say that because they're incapable of dealing with the fact that their feelings changed and they want to act like the whole relationship never happened because it requires less introspection on their part. Seriously, it's not a…
Umm, the secretions from yeast infections have little to no odour. Just saying.
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
He doesn't do that. He has apologized for using "tranny" in the past and always uses the gender people identify with to refer to them.
Thanks. I just figured mine wasn't the only pussy that this guy had refused to attend to. Needless to say, the relationship did not last very long.
Dear ex,
Oh man, that dude sounds like a catch. What an asshole. You're well rid of him.
Alright, then I'll guess I'll just come out and say it: That sounds disgusting, because who the fuck eats sugar straight by the cup?
I don't mind panty-hose, but prefer stocking when I have to wear a dress and it's cool, or I want to dress up a bit more formally. But I've definitely noticed that other women in their 20s don't much wear it here in Canada.
How does it not track? Is 2 years ancient and forgotten history now?
So, kinda like Warhammer Space Marines? I wouldn't mind an extra heart.
A cup of sugar? That doesn't sound very healthy.
Who has that much time on their hands? Christ.
Kind of off topic, but how did you all lose your virginity and how did you feel about it?