
Yes, because clearly someone who decides to shoot kindergartners is the type of person to give up at his first set-back. Can't get the gun safe open? Welp, I guess I'll just have to go read a book. This whole school shooting thing is just too much work.

The thing is, she might be the worst person in the world, but you can't discredit the points she makes in her article about the need to address mental health issues better by pointing at her faults. Because no matter how self-serving her article may be, it sparked a conversation that needs to happen.

Man, you really have an ax to grind with Liza Long, eh?

I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I didn't realize you had to be out every weekend making sure strangers weren't getting raped to critique instances of victim blaming/slut shaming.

It's definitely a function of my introversion, I think. I like my space and my alone time. I am jealous of my boyfriend sometimes though, because he's still really close with some of his high school friends despite living in a different city from them, whereas I've grown apart from mine.

Damn, I was hoping best friends weren't really a thing after high school, because I definitely haven't had any since then. I've always felt a bit weird about it, but I just can't be close friends with that many people. Maybe two at most, including my boyfriend. I mean, I like my friends a lot and I want to be there

I liked this season too, though I wasn't terribly happy with some changes to the story from the book. But based on its own merits as a tv show, the second season was fantastic. I can't believe it didn't get a single nomination.

Admittedly I don't watch a lot of television, but why is Game of Thrones not nominated? Not even an actor nomination? Really?

I hate to be this person, but you spelled Marion Cotillard's name wrong. #correction

Yes, and the fact that you look at Lindy's critique of the article and call it men-bashing shows just how insecure you are.

Yeah, it's not a great time to be a young reporter.

I'm just mad at myself for googling that article and contributing to its page-hits. Also, now I feel bad about my small boobs. :( But Lindy's response was great.

Sorry, didn't mean to reply to you.

I didn't realize things couldn't be both sexist and racist, but alright. I guess as long as we both agree that it's fucked up...

Discussion about what? Why should her preference on how to wear her hair be subject to discussion? It's none of his damn business and the fact that he felt personally bothered enough by her hair to comment on it and try to get her to wear a wig because her hair isn't "professional," meaning European-looking, is fucked

I'm sorry, what now? I didn't realize women NEVER recover from rape. Here I am, doing fine when all along, I guess I should have been agonizing over my rape and letting it ruin my life. Also, crying wolf is not when women talk about a very common thing that happens to a lot of us for real...

Oh man, good thing you're here to tell us what's on the Official Feminist Agenda of the day. Otherwise we might start to think that we can talk about whatever the fuck we want to talk about without prior approval from some dudebro somewhere.