This is the most hilarious comment I've read all month. Troll on.
This is the most hilarious comment I've read all month. Troll on.
"Why doesn't anyone get how funny I am!!!???" - You
I like how you're commenting on every single thread here about how grossed out you are by periods and how everyone is wrong and crazy. Way to go, dude. Way to go.
It is my opinion that you can do no wrong if you decide to dress as a tampon on Halloween. No wrong!
I once got blood on a guy's sweater I was hooking up with (he didn't take it off - I think it was a quickie). He was really cool about it though. Still have fond memories of that guy, just based on how cool he was with everything.
Yeah, I find Bub a little off-putting. Grumpy Cat for president!
I believe it. My boyfriend got to name his cat when he was a kid (the cat recently passed away at the age of 19, I think) and he spelled his name Beytovin. So that was the cat's name.
YES! I just did my first period with a Diva Cup and it was amazing!
A little off topic, but I asked for a Diva Cup for Christmas one year when I was still in high school, but I never managed to get it in, probably because I was still a virgin, and I eventually forgot about it. Well, I dug it out this weekend and gave it a try and I am IN LOVE! Best thing ever! Just wanted to throw…
Except that's never been his position at all. He just argues that, realistically, sex is important to many people and pretending like it isn't doesn't do anyone any favours. Meaning that partners need to be honest about their needs and their limits and come to mutually agreeable terms and make compromises based on…
What would they sue over exactly? I mean, I get that it's hurtful, but it's not a crime, or even a civil tort to call someone fat...
Dan Savage is not against marriage. He's for people making honest choices about what they want in life, whether that's monogamy or some version of openness.
Haters gonna hate.
Dan Savage has been married for a while now. He got married in Canada.
In my experience, an email is the best way to express your appreciation for the class and maybe an interest in staying in touch. If you're worried about being seen as a suck-up, wait until after your grades have been posted to send it.
This is why I allot my love purely based on the gross number of digits any being has. It goes something like this - humans with missing digits/extremities < cats with four digits per paw < humans with five digits per hand/foot < cats with five or more digits per paw.
I totally ship Sansa/Hound, but only in the books. Not sure why.