
Even if there weren't, there are other ways they could have illustrated the story. It's sad that they chose to take a cheap shot at her by contrasting such an unflattering image (why not one where she's not in the middle of speaking, which makes us all look weird) to a posed, full make-up and hair photo of Sasha Grey.

Jeez, touchy. Did someone piss in your coffee today?

Yeah, most women also have desires for other people, even when they're in relationships. Just in case you were wondering.

Mine doesn't care for sports either, but he does play Warhammer every week in a stinky, non-air-conditioned basement. Should I be concerned?

You have sex with your dog?

It's not drinking and drugs. He was shot in the shoulder.

Man, remember when Bond girls really had sex appeal? When they were played by women in their 50s with tummies and breasts that sagged, but with the kind of worldly experience that really makes a woman sexy? What's that, you say? That never happened? Well, fuck.

Yes, sloppy journalism. No doubt. But I don't blame them for not getting the joke.

It was definitely sloppy journalism. I just don't think it's fair of Jezebel for criticizing the newspapers for not getting the joke.

The Onion is neither widely known outside of North America, nor a news source.

Why? It's fairly well-known in the States and Canada, but it's hardly a big deal world-wide. It's rather ethnocentric to expect everyone everywhere to know and understand cultural things that we take for granted, like the Onion.

Why would you expect a Chinese newspaper to pick up on the subtle humor of the Onion? It's very much informed by cultural cues, popular culture, language and turns of phrase that are very specific to North America. I mean, sure, it's funny that this happened, but I don't think it's fair to expect people who are

Someone in another comment thread pointed out that she would have gained a lot of water weight and bloated considerably from renal failure between her departure and the attempts to board a plane back to the States.

The Smiths are consistently very awesome. Big fan of Willow here. No shame.

"there are vaginas out there throwing themselves at him every Friday night."

I think most people are irritated by her superiority complex in relation to women who do choose to have sex before marriage - like, those women should not be worth as much to a man because they've "slept with the whole world" and they can't offer intellectual stimulation to a male partner as well as have sex with him.

Yeah, he'd had sex once but knew, just knew in his heart, that everyone else was having sex wrong and he was having sex right. So obnoxious.

Gotta love a smug virgin. She should talk with that guy who had the BEST SEX IN THE WORLD on his wedding night and wrote that ridiculous article about it.

I think conventions are different from university, where you expect to interact with older students, such as teaching assistants. And I guess I don't get her distinction between the skinny girls with high school mentalities who are beneath her and the overweight girls who are, presumably in the same 18-22 age range,

Totally this. If my favourite elliptical is free, but someone is working out next to it, then fuck them. They can move if it bothers them so much.