
Yeah, my main reason for going is because it is literally the only thing, besides weed, that alleviates my crippling back pain.

:( You keep being you, Lindy. Don't let any Judgey McJudgersons and Patronizing Patties get you down.

I don't know yet, but I know that at least one breast has to be bared.

Lol. That is all you get. A halfhearted lol because your comment is so dumb.

I didn't realize every single criticism we make of a particular person had to be matched with an equivalent criticism of all other similarly awful people.

You're an idiot.

Your post leads me to believe that you have never been in a serious relationship with another human being before. Most people understand that when they live with someone else, they change some of your habits, their partner changes some of theirs and some stuff both people just learn to live with. If someone is ready

Hahaha, I'm not sure what's worse - the gifts that show zero thought (socks), or the ones that are clearly passive-aggressive (helmet, scale, cookbook).

Wow, that would drive me crazy.

Because it's not a competition, it's (supposedly) an educational toy that will help with his child's development.


Haters gonna hate

That sounds amazing!

I know, right! Everyone in the service industry gets to deal with enough shit as it is. Cab drivers get to spend who knows how many hours driving around people who can be rude, drunk and/or obnoxious. They don't also need to awkwardly ignore you having sex in the back.

To be fair, I think that anyone who has sex in a cab is kind of a huge self-absorbed asshole. The cabbie does not need to be part of your shenanigans, people!

Really? I'm no MRA, but men are just as capable as women of forming bonds with their children and wanting to be in their lives, even when the relationship ends. Saying that he should move on and have more kids is pretty cold.

I know what veganism is, but the OP clearly stated that the mother wanted to put the cheese on her own food, not on all the food. She clearly doesn't have a problem with others eating non-vegan at her table, since she offered to cook a turkey. So the freak-out over a bit of cheese that her mom wanted to ingest is a

Oh my god. I would condone punching seniors in an instance like that.

She was grating cheese. She wasn't putting cheese on everything or seasoning all the dishes with raw meat juice or whatever. She probably didn't want to get up in the middle of dinner to grate the fucking cheese that she knew she would want. Chill.

For the record, I agree with you.