
Here, use these ones, they're about to turn.

I can only imagine how the chef or line cook reacted when this order came through.  And let’s be frank, the worst scallops they could find went into this meal.  It’s much like you’re going to get the shittiest cut of beef if you order it well done. 

I suspect some people think they’re being clever when they sub in for something more expensive and expect it to be free. 

Bingo. Charging decreases the likelihood of substitutions, which quite frankly are a major pain in the ass for a busy kitchen.

There is a time and a place for a server to tell you about an upcharge. These times and places are usually cheese or side dish related. However this question is on par with...”I asked to sub my potato for an extra steak it it cost me more...WTF?!”

Did you read the actual question? She asked for a more expensive seafood to be substituted into a fucking stew. Who cares if anything was printed on the menu? The patron should have been fired into the sun.

“I asked the waiter if it would be possible to substitute certain seafood in the bouillabaisse.”

Maybe it’s just me, but it would never even occur to me a substitution would be free by default. It’s always cool when they are, but I expect to pay more when I’m asking for additional time or cost of ingredients. Even when you leave something out, sometimes it means throwing together another quick version of a sauce

Ordinarily, my instinct would be to deny anyone who uses the term “snowflake,” but this substitution is truly bullshit. Asking for substitutions in a soup or stew is some next-level lousy customering.

Always assume your substitutions will cost more unless you’re subtracting an ingredient. 

Did she check the menu? My guess is that written on the menu somewhere there’s a line mentioning an upcharge for substitutions. In that case, it’s not the server’s job to inform them of charge when they request one.

Another element of this horror that bears repeating: The GOP outsourced their questioning to a fucking woman because they had no fucking women and they don’t know how to talk to women. So there she sits, in her little pretend table, watched on by all the men who hired her. The entire scene is a shitshow.

The thing that makes me the most angry is that Dr. Ford was able to compose herself and come across as very credible, while her fucking sexual assaulter turns on the fucking water works like he’s the real victim here. It’s absolutely infuriating. This guy is a fucking embarrassment. 

Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.

If anyone needs help visualizing this guy as a belligerent and abusive drunk, an approximation is on basically every fucking channel right now.

We’ve had many low points in this country over the last two plus years, with irreparable damage done to millions of people, in all demographics (with the exception of white, straight males, of which I am one). That hearing is in the top 5 lowest moments, potentially the lowest moment. The fact that a woman, an

The voice fading behind the music worked for me as well. It mimicked how it sounds and feels to me when you hear something overwhelming and everything kind of fades as you take in something truly shocking. It is also one of the few times (maybe the only time) where we see Elizabeth really just go into shock. At least

Last comment before crashing out:

I don’t know, man. Pretty sure that was Checkov’s necklace

Oh man, I REALLY hope they don’t kill Oleg, but I think the writing’s on the wall at this point. Same with Phillip killing Elizabeth, but that I’m ok with.